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moon conjunct neptuneBlog

moon conjunct neptune

Neptune Conjunct Moon Neptune Conjunct Moon Natal In multiple ways, Neptune conjunct moon makes you remarkably sensitive. Moon Conjunct Neptune: You're sympathetic, understanding, restless, moody, romantic, intuitive, mystical, highly impressionable and not very talkative.You're psychically tuned to others' emotions, but unless the rest of the chart indicates otherwise, these impressions may only be a fantasy of the subconscious mind. The moon and the sun is conjunct mars in aries at 0 degrees also in the 8th house. The conjunction is happening in the sign of Pisces, the natural home of . Pig hours 9 - 11 pm. Transiting Moon conjunct natal Neptune. This will often affect your home, family or personal relationships, but may also involve the more material aspects of your life such as work or finances. The couple who opens their relationship must be loving and understanding of the other's needs. A week like this — the Pluto Chiron sextile - shows us what's still broken *and* that it's repairing, sewing itself back up. Typically, the Moon person will take on many of the Neptune's persons dreams that are projected, though this can go both ways, too. You're emotionally responsive to what's happening around you. Your sense of direction in life becomes less clear. Love ~ a channel for a new romance of a Higher Nature and/or Illuminates current relationships to enlightening and ecstatic levels. It inspires global transformations, especially in the areas ruled by Neptune. In synastry, when either partner's Sun is conjunct Neptune, there may be a strong feeling of being soulmates or even twin souls. Reality can be a drag and sometimes the world has a way . Neptune can be idealistic and romantic, but the nature of Neptune is that it blurs boundaries and we might be seeing things that are not really there. The Moon conjunct ascendant natal aspect is a very important one, depending on the orb. Nothing happened now, but I got some blackmails in time of Black Moon was transiting via my Vertex and Neptune, Sun was transiting it too, and Mercury was transiting it, and Saturn was transiting it. This is due to the fact both the Moon and Neptune are highly unconscious and intuitive planets. There can be an element of subconscious understanding of one another emotionally, but you need to watch for illusions and delusions, especially . Neptune is not a personal but a generational planet. You need harmony in your relationships to feel comfortable. Entertaining read for new and experienced astrologers alike. A conjunction happens when two planets are in perfect alignment with each other and fall in . The Moon conjunct Neptune synastry relationship truly feels like the ideal partnership in the beginning, both emotionally and spiritually. mars will spark fire in ics most vulnerable spots. Published August 25, 2015 *+-Don't be foolish. My Vertex in conjunct with Neptune in 5th house in Natal Chart. You transcend boundaries at this time and feel more emotionally connected to everyone and everything around you. An individual with Moon conjunct, square or opposite Neptune is a Super Sensitive Soul …the end. The big connection with Moon in aspect to Neptune is between guilty feelings, the mother and her acting the savior/martyr or being the great devotee of the ideal, lost causes, and charitable organizations. Your dreams may be more vivid and prophetic, or link you with past lives and future events. Moon Conjunct Neptune Transit. MOON CONJUNCT NEPTUNE A conjunction or conjunct symbol is an aspect that emphasizes and brings together the energies of the planets involved. Moon square or opposition Neptune Because of their dreamy natures and big hopes, it is too easy for those with Moon in hard aspect to Neptune to become disenchanted. Moon conjunct Neptune Transit When transiting Moon is conjunct your natal Neptune: Your feelings get a jolt of the mysterious cosmic energy under this transit. Moon conjunct Neptune doesn't like hospitals, or asylums, or even places where somebody else has been in a bad mood in the last hour; and they really absorb the ambient and prevailing feel of people and places; they're so sensitive in fact that you might even consider . Tenderness, caring and gentleness are essential qualities of your meeting. Moon person finds emotional security as well as a mysterious sexual intrigue with the Neptune. But there is always free will - if humans can use it in a good sense. Artistic appreciation, talent, and experiences come on strong at this time in your life. The Venus-Neptune couple really romance and woo each other. Emotional well being may go either way. You can easily sense and feel each other. Your psychic sense and interest in things spiritual or paranormal are enhanced. The Moon person is sensitive to the Neptune person's dreams and idealizations, while the Neptune person provides unconditional love and understanding to the Moon person. The tighter its orb, the stronger its influence. When these partners first meet, it might feel like a dream within a dream. Moon Conjunct Neptune, Natal Moon Conjunct Neptune Transit The conjunction of the Moon and the Sun The transit of Neptune heightens your emotional sensitivity while also increasing your level of perplexity. Mercury Conjunct Neptune Synastry. Published by: Jhoon. Mystical experiences possible, Exalted feelings • You develop compassion and kind response to others. You are highly intuitive and compassionate at this time. Moon conjunct Neptune, transit can be a sword with double edges. Moon Trine Neptune Natal and Transit. Jupiter in Pisces conjunct Chiron. Full Moon in Pisces. His Sagittarius moon in 12th house conjunct my Neptune in 7th house His Neptune Sagittarius in 12th house opposing my moon in 1st. IP: Logged. A Moon conjunct Venus synastry aspect is a strong indicator of a thriving romantic relationship, characterised by a warm and affectionate energy and mutual devotion. The aspect is exact Saturday morning at 12:33 am EDT (9:33 pm Friday PDT, 5:33 am Saturday in London, 2:33 pm in Sydney). You can perceive other people's thoughts and feelings, making you feel unpleasant or even sick. Emotions tend to be powerful or consuming and you could have difficulty understanding them . Moon trine Neptune natal makes you a most caring and sensitive person. When the two come together, they pool their collective romantic fantasies together. You can easily sense and feel each other. So as the Moon dives deeper and deeper, it sometimes gets lost in Neptune's fog. These energies may be difficult to integrate but with some determination you can make great changes. Venus conjunct Neptune is a dreamy and romantic combination. Moon and Neptune conjunct in the synastry chart. By looking at where an eclipse falls in the houses, you get a sneak preview of what's to come (or already in progress). Your psychic abilities will be amplified, and you will be as if your awareness antenna is receiving a lot more signals then you are used to. You do not understand yourself. They are conjuct in the 5th house (Placidus chart), in the 4th house (equal chart) and split moon 4th/Neptune 5th (Whole chart). Edwin Learnard's interpretation of the Moon conjunct Neptune in a natal horoscope. Moon and Neptune have an instinctive connection towards each other. The combination of Moon and Neptune gives birth to a vulnerable and empathic personality type. Mars is going to exactly conjunct Neptune at 20°56′ of Pisces on June 13: this cosmic alignment happens only every two years. They are so enchanted with each other that they use creative collaborations as an ideal outlet for their feelings and talents. I've heard as far as the natal chart, it lends a Piscean quality (even if the planets are in Sagit. When one person's Moon contacts another person's Neptune in synastry, a strong compassionate, sensitive, emotional connection is indicated. for example), making one more . i have a post about moon conjunct mars. Moon-Neptune in Synastry. Mars, Venus, Pluto and Mercury are in Capricorn. The subconscious and unconscious levels of your psyche merge into one allowing creativity to blossom but also hindering logical calculation. When an eclipse affects any of your natal planets, there may be changes in your mood, ways of thinking, life direction, or the life events of those around you. A good time for nonverbal activities, you respond to color, sound, and silence. Lilith conjunct Neptune synastry: The Lilith conjunct Neptune synastry aspect can create a lot of illusion in a relationship. Date: 13th February 2022 Movement of planets: The Sun is in Aquarius and the Moon in Cancer. During this time of the year you may be feeling absent-minded and low on energy, and have a diminished drive and ambition. Lioness Knowflake . While the actual peak illumination of the Pisces Full . Empathy is well developed and sometimes a source of concern because you also feel each other's pain and problematic inner . The Moon conjunct the ascendant sometimes make you come across as a Cancer rising. At its worst Moon in Leo can tend to the vain and snobbish, but wherever Neptune is . This meeting of the moon and Neptune in the most sensitive sign of the zodiac will amplify our emotional sensitivity. They seem to also be in tune with the subtle vibrations sent by the Universe, but also very vulnerable when disturbed. Neptune Conjunct Natal Moon Once in a lifetime transit. Moon and Neptune conjunct in the synastry chart. It´s often a burden for me. Here, jealousy and secretiveness are common issues. Sad commercials and tragic news can drive you to tears, even if you're not usually inclined . When Moon and Neptune first meet, both planets will feel this undeniable strong connection they have with each other. These planets have their own uniqueness and when tag-teamed their energy is intensified even more. Moon conjunct or quincunx Neptune conjures up images of nocturnal sea mist and inky black oceans, infinite and unfathomable. Your ability to have compassion may increase, you may . Some Famous People with Moon conjunct Neptune: Bill Cosby, Mike Farrell, Tommy Hilfiger, Dustin Hoffman, Billy Joel, Sting, Justin Timberlake, Shirley MacLaine, Anne Frank, Bono (U2). You will have difficulty doing any monotonous work today unless you are able to engage with the work meditatively. You can sense the thoughts and feelings of others and this can make you feel very uneasy or even ill. You may be picking up the wrong signals so it is better to be cautious because you are vulnerable to deception and scandal. The waxing Pisces Moon will conjoin Neptune on September 13 while also forming catalyzing aspects with Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto. This meeting of the moon and Neptune in the most sensitive sign of the zodiac will amplify our emotional sensitivity. There is a tendency to lose touch with the real world, however: beware of trends toward escapism or dependency. Moon conjunct Neptune in Leo works rather well, because Leo is among the most naturally affectionate of the signs, so there is a route out of the adversity of this aspect through allowing that natural predilection to feeling human warmth shine through. Psychological astrology always points towards the lost little girl with Moon-Neptune aspects. Your feelings are boundless, you are easily touched, and you are enthusiastic, perhaps exaggeratedly so. Nobody understands you. Moon Conjunct Neptune. There can be an element of subconscious understanding of one another emotionally, but you need to watch for illusions and delusions, especially . In general, a conjunction of the moon with Neptune will produce positive results, and the couple will be mutually beneficial. Neptune also trine Chiron. ♓️MOON CONJUNCT ♓️NEPTUNE (4:00 AM PT) The headline transit this Friday is a conjunction of the moon and Neptune. Neptune transits Natal Moon. Wait. This article is included in the Planetary Combinations astrology eBook. You may gain accurate and deep psychic impressions, mystical visions or creative solutions. There is an emotional honesty now that you can't hide from but can also make you self-indulgent. "When Neptune is harmoniously linked to the luminaries in the chart of a person who can respond to its higher rays, it can bestow gifts of a clairvoyant and clairaudient nature." (558, Oken Complete Astrology ). Art might have an important role in your common interests. Our time here is limited. You may gain accurate and deep psychic impressions, mystical visions or creative solutions. Imagination and sensitivity color this aspect giving the individual a receptive and creative nature. You may become more consciously self-aware, and you may be able to filter out background noise and tune into your higher consciousness. Sun: 24 degrees Aquarius; Conjunction Saturn Moon: 18 degrees Cancer Opposition Venus, Pluto and Mars; Trine Neptune Mercury: 28 degrees Capricorn Conjunction Pluto Venus: 15 degrees . However, you are more easily led astray and prone to disappointments. This aspect creates intense emotions that can lead to deep, profound love or a passionate attraction that is based in illusion. Time spent daydreaming is increased and focus is easily lost as imagination overwhelms it. Moon Neptune Aspects. Scorpio Asc, Sun in Cancer. ♓️MOON CONJUNCT ♓️NEPTUNE (4:00 AM PT) The headline transit this Friday is a conjunction of the moon and Neptune. Topic: Moon conjunct Neptune (natal or synastry) CapGirl unregistered : posted April 06, 2006 12:02 PM Wondering how others have experienced this aspect, either in their own natal chart or in synastry with someone? It shows hardships but very strong attachment and a bond based on love. Lasts for about 3 - 4 days. So sensitive in fact that they can walk into a room and feel something in the walls. Moon conjunct pluto I'm composite and moon in 12th house composite (our feelings were a secret for a long time as we didn't know how we felt and were not able to be together for a long time). We can be easily confused or deceived under this transit. You may be overly optimistic or pessimistic. Your friends truly appreciate this nature because you always understand them and make them feel better. The mind is often drifting off to distant worlds accessible only from within the confines of the head space. I have moon conjunct neptune and venus in 12th house. What the experience of having one partner's Moon conjunct the other partner's Neptune. Moon Conjunct Neptune . A lot of Water.. Moon conjunct Neptune transit increases your emotional sensitivity but also your level of confusion. In all three charts, Neptune is in Scorpio and the Moon is in Libra. Patricia Clarkson has the ultimate Moon conjunct Saturn in its ruler Capricorn but also conjunct her Sun - she is known for having achieved success in her acting career later in her life (Saturn releases rewards in time, and through perseverance). Your empathic senses are heightened . Appreciate kindness, and a good meal, on double Pig day. These natives can be aware of every emotion and thought, also suspicion and bad intention. Romance and fast trust.This is the channel to tune into if you want to. Both partners are romantic in their outlook, and both have plenty of fantasies and expectations of what ideal love is supposed to be like. Progressed Moon Conjunct Neptune. The moon in the 8th house is conjunct uranus in the 9th house, receiving a sextile from jupiter in the 10th house. Moon Conjunct Neptune Synastry. When Mercury in the natal chart of one person is making an aspect with another person's Neptune this can either make their communication almost intuitive, where they don't need words to say what they want but communicate with their thoughts, or it can make it confused and almost impossible. There can be a real danger of wearing rose-colored glasses with this aspect. Tenderness, caring and gentleness are essential qualities of your meeting. Moon conjunct Neptune. In fact, for the Moon-conjunct-Neptune pair, distance adds to the sweetness of yearning for each other. Transit Neptune Conjunct Moon Your emotions are confusing during this time, as you fall under a spell of idealism, romance and compassion. This might be difficult when you're young and in a hostile or emotionally insensitive environment. Moon Conjunct Neptune You are exceptionally open now, capable of creating a supportive, positive environment. Moon conjunct Neptune show real soul mate connection and deep understanding of each other. Most astrologers allow an orb of 8-10 degrees when talking about the ascendant. With your Moon sign conjunct, square, opposite, sextile, or trine Neptune, you are the epitome of the day dreamer. And now a Black Moon is in transit. Neptune Conjunct Natal Moon. I also have Moon conjunct Neptune (10 degree separation, but still conjuct according to my Astrodienst chart), though I have no clue what it means. The silvery glow of the Full Moon in Pisces will stir imagination and set flight to fantasy with the enchanting trance of Neptune. Moon sextiles Neptune to follow feelings and inspiration. Moon conjunct Neptune creates a space for this to be both discussed and acted upon. And to top it, he has the moon/Neptune conjunction in 12th too so I wonder if it is worse for him? Neptune conjunct Moon Neptune conjunct Moon Can last up to 2-3 years Positive • Spiritual insights and psychic hunches are very strong and guide you. Posts: 6663 From: Registered: Mar 2010: posted April 12, 2012 12:37 AM This time you should expect many changes in your emotional and personal life. Moon Conjunct Neptune This conjunction emphasizes emotional sensitivity and vulnerability to others, especially through an impressionable, sympathetic psychic empathy. Moon conjunct Neptune creates a space for this to be both discussed and acted upon. They did struggle from some tension between freedom and structure and maybe other people or strange situations trying to break them up. Actually, there is a lot more to discuss, especially since out of all the other lunar aspects, it is this particular combo which possesses the acutest sensitivity and is often challenged to move beyond the psychological suffering which they engender. You sense each other emotions and thoughts quickly. mars conjunct ic would be very similar to moon conjunct mars because the ic is the cusp of the 4th house which is ruler of cancer and the moon. When transiting Neptune conjuncts your natal Moon, your emotions and sensitivity are heightened. This is a great time for awakening to your higher spiritual self. The combination of these two energies results in a person whose subconscious nature is extremely active . You tend to daydream and float, keeping you loose and unguarded. Empathy is well developed and sometimes a source of concern because you also feel each other's pain and problematic inner . I have 8 scorpio ascendant and he 4 scorpio jupiter. Of all of the aspects you might find in synastry, the conjunction is the most powerful. You do have healing abilities but are also intuitive or psychic. Moon Conjunct Neptune Transit On the day the transiting moon forms a conjunction with your natal Neptune, you will be best served by setting time and space aside to relax, fantasize, and luxuriate within your senses. By all means, say what you think but beware of wallowing in self-pity. You are both oozing with creativity and share a common interest in art and music. A transit where much depends on how old you are when this occurs and what the aspects and position of your Natal Moon are. You may become more consciously self-aware, and you may be able to filter out background noise and tune into your higher consciousness. Mercury in pisces is conjunct neptune in pisces in the 7th house. You are easily seduced, swayed, and in extreme cases, even . Neptune conjunct Moon is an intense and equally fragile emotional connection. Others would be hard-pressed to pin you down to something concrete or formal right now. David Packard (Moon conjunct Neptune), who famously founded Hewlett Packard in his garage, is known for creating a company culture that value imagination and creativity. Moon conjunct Neptune can have us feeling emotionally confused. Jepp - Moon square Neptune, Saturn square Neptune, Neptune trine Mercury and trine Jupiter. You are content to simply go with the flow and may desire to withdraw from life and your daily . Sun conjunct Neptune in synastry is a mystical connection of spiritual intensity. I know too much. moon conjunct neptune; sun conjunct jupiter; sun conjunct jupiter in virgo; by Aliza. Indeed, your emotions may completely overwhelm you during this cycle! In her own words: But no, had I been successful in my 20s I would have been just fine, but it is nice to define the odds. You might often cry without clear provocation. Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Saturn are in a big conjunction to communicate, enjoy life, yet still be serious and practical. Other well known executives such as Jack Welch (Moon conjunct Neptune) and Lee Iacocca (Moon square Neptune) also share strong charisma and visionary leadership. Because of your sensitivity, you feel more acutely the joys and the pains of life. Moon conjunct Neptune Natal Those having the Moon conjunct Neptune transit in their birth chart are known for being emotionally sensitive. Moon conjunct Neptune, transit can be a sword with double edges. My jupiter conjunct his sun and venus. I find that there is often some psychic connection between the Lilith conjunct Neptune partners, but there can also be a lot of false illusion. Conjunctions focus and intensify the energy much like a laser beam on an exact point in your chart. Mars Conjunct Neptune in Pisces - Soul Searching. When conjunctions take place, the energies of the planets involved merge: they work as one. The more in-tune you are with your spirituality, the more Neptune is visible in your personality. The conjunction between one person's Moon and other person's Neptune reveals strong emotional connection between them. It is the ethereal mermaid, slipping in and out of the waves, impossible to catch. If an eclipse falls within 5 degrees of a natal planet, it alters the planet's traits. The couple who opens their relationship must be loving and understanding of the other's needs. And those creative undertakings are magic, in and of themselves. Moon conjunct Neptune is sensitive.. The moon glistens over her tail as she flashes in and out of view, tantalizing, teasing, just out of reach. You really don't need to do anything but let it. Composite Moon to Composite Neptune With Composite Moon conjunct Composite Neptune, the connection between you can have a strong spiritual component, and you may feel like this is a soul connection. The Moon rules our emotions, moods, and feelings, while Neptune is responsible for our connection with ourselves. Transiting Sun conjunct natal Neptune. I hope so.lol. Progressed Moon conjunct Ascendant: The Moon being conjunct the Ascendant means that your emotions come to the fore and you are driven to say how you feel. You may deceive others and be deceived just as easily. Brainstorm: Sun/Moon Astrology Aspects interprets astrology aspects between the Sun and Moon Written in short, fragmented sentences, this article embraces phrases, concepts, imagery, and more to evoke meaning. We can be easily confused or deceived under this transit. We're now experiencing a Full Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces. Pig day luck strong for Pig, Tiger, Rabbit, and Sheep. They tend to reflect back what the other person wants to see. Your ability to have compassion may increase, you may . THE DREAMER. Moon Conjunct Neptune. The moon and Neptune are both associated with water, which is symbolized by their affinity with the fluidity of emotions.

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