example of epidemiology in nursing
The goal of public health nursing is to prevent disease and promote the health of people and the community. It is considered a branch of medicine and general medical science at the same time because of its wide utilization in public health. Epidemiology is a specialized form of____. The first doctoral degrees in epidemiology at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, for example, were not awarded until 1963 , and before 1980, 93% of officers of the Epidemic Intelligence Service, the premier training program for applied epidemiology at the CDC, were physicians . Also, the sum of knowledge gained in such a study’. Ecosocial epidemiology is a newer concept and describes diseases from a macro-level; meaning the health and disease status for a community rather than illness in just one patient (Nies & McEwen, 2015). (1989): Cases: 235 … Furthermore, epidemiology has been Epidemiology is the ‘science concerned with the study of the factors determining and influencing the frequency and distribution of disease, injury, and other health-related events and their causes in a defined human population. The Application of Descriptive Epidemiology in Public Health Nursing. Epidemiology is the study of diseases in populations, investigating how, when and why they occur. Also Read: Nursing Assignment Help For example, during the research on the fatal meningitis cases in February 2009 at Fort Leonard Wood, an Army training center, epidemiologists identified only two meningitis cases and 72 pneumonia cases (Gulis & Fujino, 2015). One clear example of how descriptive epidemiology is applied in public health nursing may be observed during an outbreak of an infectious disease. They also publish results of studies and statistical analysis of morbidity and mortality. Example: differences in coronary heart disease vary with cigarettes consumption. To find out more about epidemiology’s role in public health, check out these resources: Nature Research, “A Metabolic Handbook for the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Check out this example of epidemiologists in action. As an example of how larger contextual phenomena were displaced from study, Wing brought up smoking, the establishment of which as a major risk factor was typically considered one of epidemiology's great successes. The idea of the problematic nature of epidemiology, raised in each of the chapters thus far, will be expanded with particular reference to nursing practice. 1. For instance, it is known that hypertension is associated with stroke, smoking can lead to lung cancer, exercise can lead to fewer heart attacks, and toxins can lead to increased rates of leukemia. NB: Diabetes mellitus type 2 is an example of disease to use in case needed for this assignment. An example of ecosocial epidemiology approach would be to discuss obesity in our community. Unlike other sciences, however, the findings of epidemiological studies can result in urgent legal or legislative action, large-scale quarantine, or formal emergency declarations. Attainment of an average of B- is required to successfully pass the course. Nursing Epidemiology. Subject: Epidemiology. In looking at epidemiology examples, we can see how different methodologies can be used to extract various types of crucial data that can be applied to health care delivery and public information. Letter grades are calculated based on the School of Nursing Grading Scale below. It entails a body of knowledge derived from epidemiological research and specialized epidemiological methods and approaches to scientific research. Community health nurses use epidemiological concepts to improve the health of population groups by identifying risk factors and optimal approaches that reduce disease risk. Epidemiology Key Terms and Core Concepts Examples of the types of community health problems investigated by epidemiologists include: • A measles outbreak on a small college campus • A global influenza pandemic • An increase in homicide in a community • A national surge in violence Based on the descriptive epidemiology, it is clear that the parent-teacher luncheon is the source of the outbreak (presumably one of the food dishes). Epidemiology Nursing and Impact on Public Health. First, epidemiology is a quantitative discipline that relies on a working knowledge of probability, statistics, and sound research methods. An example is the HIV/AIDS infection there is a natural history whereby certain irregularities occur within the person’s immune system until he/she dies. They encompass primary whereby vaccines are administered and public health safety policies are implemented. A+ 97 - 100 B + 87 - 89 C+ 77 - 79 D+ 67 - 69 F Below 60 What surprised me most is how critical epidemiology is to public health nursing. Epidemiology is a discipline that has a crucial role in describing health status, identifying risk factors, and analyzing relationships between health and different hazardous agents. So understanding how diseases spread is a pretty important factor in educating the public on prevention. Or, using a slightly different type of counting, in the 100 patients in the Define health disparity and how it occurs, and what factors contribute to it in an at-risk population. 3. A key component in this is epidemiology. Levels of prevention relate to the three levels applied to disease prevention; control and eradication. In other words, how common is it, and who does it affect? Provide a contemporary example of how descriptive epidemiology is applied in public health nursing. Epidemiology is generally concerned with quantifying things like injuries, disability, morbidity, and mortality. Epidemiology of Health Promotion. As soon as a disease is reported as a serious problem for a population (both symptomatic and asymptomatic), the first steps include a discussion of what is already known about this particular disease, its … STUDY. The eradication of smallpox by 1979 provides an excellent example of this scenario. Words: 798. These studies analyze the public health concerns and allow nurses to improve health outcomes. Epidemiology examples include classical, … Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Enteric Diseases Epidemiology Branch. Include the following: Define descriptive epidemiology and describe its relationship and role in nursing science today. Epidemiology Intersecting With and Impacting Nursing Work Although epidemiological research may seem far removed from the work of the clinical nurse, in actuality it has a material impact upon how nurses interact with patients every day. Epidemiological studies can potentially offer considerable benefits to the way nurses incorporate health-related practices into their professional role. Research also offers a valuable opportunity for the nursing profession to become more active in helping to determine health policy issues. This art … Is there a place for epidemiology in nursing? Epidemiology is a scientific method of problem-solving. In fact, epidemiology is often described as the basic science of public health, and for good reason. Concepts of epidemiology and nursing research. The COVID-19 pandemic is the current example of how this scientific branch generates benefits for the nursing field. Epidemiology is the study of disease in populations. Provides community health nurses with a body of knowledge on which to base their practice. ... then we could just take a sample of the non-diseased people in order to estimate the exposure distribution in the total population. 3. Masters degree in Public Health or Community Health Nursing is required. 30 chapteR 2 / Role of epidemiology and statistics in advanced nursing practice the following: of 100 patients in the study, 26 were free of bedsores after 6 weeks of treatment. In this lesson, we’ll talk about how that works and we’ll also clarify some commonly misused terms in health. Effective nursing practice bridges the disciplines of clinical medicine and epidemiology, incorporating a focus on both individual and collective strategies. 2. Epidemiology in Nursing. This eradication came about as a result of global collaborative efforts involving many countries and organizations, as well as the application of epidemiologic methods. (7/1007) (6/5640) = 6.53 (7/6) (10/56) = 6.53 = 6.53 Research also offers a valuable opportunity for the nursing profession to become more active in helping to determine health policy issues. Thank you EPIDEMIOLOGY IN NURSING PRACTICE describes the relationship between epidemiologic principles and nursing practice while clearly and concisely defining essential terminology. DQ: Concepts of epidemiology and nursing research Write a paper (2,000-2,500 words) in which you apply the concepts of epidemiology and nursing research to a communicable disease. Example: differences in coronary heart disease vary with cigarettes consumption. Descriptive epidemiology provides a way of organizing and analyzing data on health and disease in order to understand variations in disease frequency geographically and over time and how disease varies among people based on a host of personal characteristics ... Identify the epidemiology components used to analyze at … Examples of practice settings are the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia; public health departments; and governmental agencies. Epidemiology is the method used to find the causes of health outcomes and diseases in populations. (See Exhibit 2–1 for a statement of seven uses of epidemiology.) Example of Descriptive Epidemiology in Public Health Nursing Breastfeeding practices is widely known to improve baby’s health and bonding with their mothers. No individuals should use the information, resources or tools contained herein to self-diagnosis or self-treat any health-related condition. Welcome to the lesson on Epidemiology. EDUCATIONAL REQUIREMENTS. The important of epidemiology on the whole is to improve the health of population. Provide a contemporary example of how descriptive epidemiology is applied in public health nursing. Disclaimer.The materials on this page are intended for informational and educational purposes. The diseases studied are wide-ranging, including infectious diseases like coronavirus and non-infectious diseases like arthritis. Additional Epidemiology Resources. So, let’s go ahead and get started. Descriptive epidemiology is actively applied in public health nursing, and numerous epidemiological analyses prove this claim. Veterinarians and others involved in the preventive medicine and public health professions use epidemiological methods for disease surveillance, outbreak investigation, and observational studies to identify risk factors of zoonotic disease in both … Epidemiology is the study of disease in populations. Veterinarians and others involved in the preventive medicine and public health professions use epidemiological methods for disease surveillance, outbreak investigation, and observational studies to identify risk factors of zoonotic disease in both human and animal populations. The classical epidemiological triangle of host-agent-environment describes how individuals become ill. As mentioned above, cancer is one of the major health concerns. The first question can be answered using measures such as incidence and prevalence. One of the types of epidemiological studies is descriptive epidemiology, which focuses on the person, place, and time characteristics. For example, by describing the occurrence of disease in the community, epidemiology helps public health practitioners and administrators plan for allocation of resources. There are two main types of Epidemiology. Joshua Naranjo Epidemiology, by Example. Epidemiology: the foundation of public health Roger Detels, M.D., M.S. Directions: Write a 1,250–1,500 word paper discussing the role of descriptive epidemiology in nursing science. Write a paper (2100 words) in which you apply the concepts of epidemiology and nursing research to a communicable disease. Define descriptive epidemiology and describe its relationship and role in nursing science today. Once needed services are imple-mented, the epidemiologic approach can help evaluate their function and utility. The purpose of this essay is to consider … This article explores the nature of the dilemmas surrounding nursing and epidemiology and argues that nursing might be better served by a more proactive role in this valuable research discipline. In epidemiology, the patient is the community and individuals are viewed collectively. A study can therefore be conducted on the significance of breastfeeding in children with emphasis on socioeconomic status, educational level, ethnicity, mother’s age, marital status, and geographical locations. People who work in this field are referred to as epidemiologists. Transcript. Population and epidemiology studies involve studying the health of populations—both at specific time points and over longer periods of time—to uncover patterns, trends, and outcomes that may be applicable to the general population. Descriptive epidemiology is concerned with both the frequency and distribution of a health outcome (or health-related exposure). Refer to “Communicable Disease Chain,” “Chain of Infection,” and the CDC website for assistance completing this assignment. It is possible to consider an example of the way descriptive epidemiology is applied in public health nursing today. Epidemiology is the science of public health and, like all sciences, it consists of procedures designed to ensure the validity and accuracy of its conclusions. Epidemiology is highly important when massive outbreaks of infectious diseases occur in society. Concepts of epidemiology and nursing research. Refer to “Communicable Disease Chain,” “Chain of Infection,” and the CDC website for assistance when completing this assignment. PLAY. Hi guys! Provide a contemporary example of how descriptive epidemiology is applied in public health nursing. This essay will focus on the importance of epidemiology and how it relates to nursing .There will be definition of health, disease and nursing. Introduction Types of studies Descriptive studies Cross sectional studies Cohort studies Case-control studies Example: E ectiveness of Bicycle Safety Helmets Thompson et al. Abstract Epidemiology is the basic science of public health, because it is the science that describes the relationship of health or disease with other health-related factors in human populations, such as human pathogens. These ideas will be further developed through a detailed consideration of three areas where nursing and epidemiology might collaborate to their mutual benefit:
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