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initiative petition massachusettsBlog

initiative petition massachusetts

Article XLVIII, Section 2, provides specifications on the topics that may be included in an initiative petition. How to Help Things you can do: Sign the petition to Support Our Seniors in skilled nursing facilities throughout Massachusetts. An initiative petition filed by former U.S. Sen. Scott Brown aide and Massachusetts House candidate Tatyana Semyrog of Duxbury would require voters to present a government-issued photo ID at their polling place before receiving a ballot or sign an affidavit attesting to their identity and residence. Local election officials must Learn More about Filing Initiative Petitions Learn about different types of petitions and ballot questions Local election officials must FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Evan Lips, communications director 617-523-5005 ext. original petition was filed on september 6, 2013. secretary of the commonwealth of massachusetts instructions to circulators and signers • do not alter this initiative petition in any way. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Evan Lips, communications director 617-523-5005 ext. On August 4, Massachusetts Coalition for Independent Work filed two versions of a ballot initiative with the Massachusetts Attorney General’s office that would classify app-based transportation (rideshare) and delivery drivers as independent contractors. original petition was filed on september 13, 2013. secretary of the commonwealth of massachusetts instructions to circulators and signers • do not alter this initiative petition in any way. Sign the Petition. In five states, it is calculated based on state legislative districts (Alaska, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, and Utah). MA Legislature says no to initiative petition. - No measure that relates to religion, religious Obtain an official initiative or referendum petition form from the Secretary of State’s Office; 4. Section 1. Supporters filed the measure… Initiative Petition Seeks Ranked-Choice Voting In Massachusetts On August 4, a citizens’ petition that would put a question about the Transportation Climate Initiative (TCI) on the Massachusetts ballot in 2022 was filed with the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office. This page aggregates the highly-rated recommendations for Ma Secretary Of State Corporations Signed Petitions . Massachusetts Nurses Association Executive Director Julie Pinkham filed three initiative petitions with the attorney general’s office ahead of a Wednesday deadline. An initiative petition shall set forth the full text of the constitutional amendment or law, hereinafter designated as the measure, which is proposed by the petition. Initiative petitions, a type of ballot question, are filed with the Attorney General’s Office. Enlarge. From Massachusetts Attorney General Maury Healey’s office: BOSTON — After a thorough review of 30 initiative petitions submitted by the August 4 deadline, Attorney General Maura Healey’s Office has determined that 17 proposals have met the requirements outlined in the Massachusetts constitution and may proceed to the next step in the process. In 2018 and 2020, the valid signature requirement was 766,200. increase the signature requirement threshold to trigger a review of the initiative petition by the Florida Supreme Court from 10% to 25% of the total requirement to qualify a measure in half of congressional districts instead of one-fourth of them; The Basic Steps To Do An Initiative In Massachusetts Statutes And Amendments – Indirect Initiative Process Basic Procedures: Ten qualified voters may draw up and sign an original petition on which they put forward the full text of the law they want enacted. In addition to pursuing a binding ballot initiative in 2022, we are also launching a Public Policy Question in Massachusetts. The power of initiative is indirect in Massachusetts, which means the Massachusetts General Court must consider any initiative petitions that meet the first-round signature deadline and requirement (80,239 for 2020). Section 37. Local registrars of voters must submit certified signature petitions to the secretary of state by the first Wednesday in December. Due to the nature of the collection, many folders in Series I and II are closed for 50 or 80 years according to University policy to protect student and institutional privacy. About. It’s time that Bay Staters have more choice in their elections. All DHS information technology systems, technologies, rulemakings, programs, pilot projects, information collections, information sharing activities, or forms that collect personally identifiable information or have a privacy impact are subject to … II. BOSTON , September 1, 2021 -- As the extreme weather across Massachusetts and beyond makes clear, we face a climate crisis that threatens our Commonwealth.Severe storms, flooding, drought and dangerous heat affect us all. Media. Initiative petitions must be submitted to local election officials for certification of signatures no later than 5 p.m. on Wednesday, November 17, 2021. You will need to submit an initiative petition for approval along with ten signatures from registered Massachusetts voters. By Lisa Gibson. Initiative petitions must be submitted to local election o!cials for certi"cation of signatures no later than 5 p.m. on Wednesday, November 18, 2015. You must collect at least 10 signatures from registered voters at this stage in the process. Section 2. This database contains information on state processes, including subject matter, petitions, circulator requirements, signature requirements and more. Introduction – Petition 11-21 and the Initiative Process: Mansfield selectman Olivier Kozlowski has filed a petition initiative, Petition 11-21, which would require all Massachusetts voters to present government-issued photo identification before they get a ballot in state or local elections. Fill in the name of the town. Contents. 2019 Massachusetts General Laws Part I - Administration of the Government Title VII - Cities, Towns and Districts Chapter 43 - City Charters Section 37 - Initiative Petition; Measure Defined. testimony in opposition to hb 1830 to amend article 48, the people’s constitutional initiative petition and referendum process joint committee on election laws march 23, Read More » March 24, 2011 No Comments Section 1. 245 BOSTON — Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey, the beneficiary of thousands of dollars in donations from pro-abortion organizations ranging from NARAL to Planned Parenthood, rejected a ballot initiative petition Wednesday seeking to let voters … Problem 24 - An Initiative Petition in Massachusetts, n.d., n.d. Website: www.chelseama.gov INITIATIVE PETITONS For anyone looking to submit Initiative Petitions for the upcoming State Election, on November 3, 2020, we are recommending doing so in one of the following manners: II. Help us Get Ranked Choice Voting on the 2020 Ballot. Although Section 1 of the bill states that participation in the procedure must be "entirely voluntary," participation is defined in Section 3 (d)ii to exclude referral. Local election o!cials must (See this post for more details on the ballot initiative process.) Friends of the Family, I have told you briefly about some of the initiative petitions that you may run into while going to the grocery store or post office, but I think it is important that you as a voter know all of the petitions that concern traditional family values. Petition definition, a formally drawn request, often bearing the names of a number of those making the request, that is addressed to a person or group of persons in authority or power, soliciting some favor, right, mercy, or other benefit: a petition for clemency; a petition for the repeal of an unfair law. Local election officials must Just to review: In 2012, Question #1 “Right to Repair” was passed by Massachusetts voters by an overwhelming majority of 87.7% to 12.3%. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. ADVERTISEMENT. Contents. Student group’s ‘Stand with Science’ effort targets policymakers, graduate students. In order to qualify initiatives for the 2022 ballot in Massachusetts, signatures needed to be submitted to local registrars of voters by November 17, 2021. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts AN INITIATIVE PETITION FOR A LAW Under Article XLVIII of the Amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth FILING DEADLINES. DHS accomplishes its mission while embedding and enforcing privacy protections and transparency in all DHS activities. This Initiative Petition is a first step in Massachusetts toward legalizing physician-assisted suicide, effectively authorizing the killing of human beings prior to their natural death. The initiative petition process is similar for constitutional amendments, but petitions must go through two sessions of the Legislature and must be approved by 25% of the legislators in each session. Proposed constitutional amendments do not require further signatures after being passed by the Legislature. In Massachusetts, successful petitions are first presented to the Massachusetts General Court. An initiative petition for a law may also be used to propose a law seeking to repeal or amend a particular section of an existing law. Interested parties have until Friday, … Interested parties have until Friday, … Conditions Governing Access. Joseph Prezioso / AFP/Getty Images Contact your Legislature through email and/or phone calls of residence. The power of initiative is indirect in Massachusetts, which means the Massachusetts General Court must consider any initiative petitions that meet the first-round signature deadline and requirement (80,239 for 2020). A Seattle doctor specializing in end-of-life care filed a formal petition with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) this week challenging the government’s Schedule I classification of psilocybin, the main psychoactive component of psychedelic mushrooms. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts AN INITIATIVE PETITION FOR A LAW Under Article XLVIII of the Amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth FILING DEADLINES. Section 2. In Massachusetts, after the Attorney General determines which measure (s) will appear on the ballot, an official name is assigned to each question. 2021-2022 Petition . Local election o!cials must The Massachusetts Constitution of 1780 declared, for example, that "the happiness of a people, and the good order and preservation of civil government, essentially depend on piety, religion and morality." An Initiative Petition for An Act Banning the Use of Certain Socio-Economic Factors for Insurance Underwriting and Rating of Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance (159.0Kb) The Whale Safe Fishing Act (148.3Kb) An Initiative Petition for An Act Promoting Excellence in Public Schools (155.0Kb) Search Studies Dataverse Network Create Account PROJECT v. 3.6.2 Log In Antislavery Petitions Sort By: Search Advanced Search Tips 1 dwmload Last Released: Feb 11, 2015 downloads Once presented to the legislature, proposals for amendments and proposals for statutes face distinct requirements. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts AN INITIATIVE PETITION FOR A LAW Under Article XLVIII of the Amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth FILING DEADLINES. Incredibly, in the 102 years since the right of initiative and referendum was added to the Massachusetts Constitution, only 84 citizen … Initiative petitions are citizen-generated ballot questions which, if passed majority vote, have the force of law, the same as if the state legislature passed them. Initiative petitions must be submitted to local election officials for certification of signatures no later than 5 p.m. on Wednesday, November 20, 2019. Excluded Matters. Uber and Lyft can pursue two ballot questions in Massachusetts as the companies seek to permanently limit benefits to workers, Attorney General Maura Healey ruled Wednesday.. (See this post for more details on the ballot initiative process.) \nIf an initiative petition, signed by the required number of qualified voters, has been filed as aforesaid, the secretary of the commonwealth shall, upon the assembling of the general court, transmit it to the clerk of the house of representatives, and the proposed measure shall then be deemed to be introduced and pending. Local election officials must Excluded Matters. ... not left to private initiative. An initiative petition shall set forth the full text of the constitutional amendment or law, hereinafter designated as the measure, which is proposed by the petition. Certified petitions needed to be provided to the secretary of state by December 1, 2021. How many signatures does a petition need in Massachusetts? Contact. Massachusetts, ballot question, initiative petition, referendum, constitutional amendment, policy question, General Court, Article XLVIII Democratic nations care but little for what has been, but they are haunted by visions of what will be; in this direction their unbounded Contents. They are the choices that get trusted and positively-reviewed by users. The proposed ballot question proposes changing Massachusetts law to read: Dates. Initiative petitions must be submitted to local election officials for certification of signatures no later than 5 p.m. on Wednesday, November 21, 2018. The name of the initiative refers to the 2.5% ceiling on total property taxes annually as well as the 2.5% limit on property tax increases. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts AN INITIATIVE PETITION FOR A LAW Under Article XLVIII of the Amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth FILING DEADLINES. The initiative and referendum process enables citizens to bypass their state legislature by placing proposed statutes and, in some states, constitutional amendments on the ballot. Initiative Petitions. Help. Paid for and authorized by the Massachusetts Senior Coalition. Don't Miss ‘Late and limited’ personal rep can sue for wrongful death; 1st Circuit tightens lid on investor suits; Response beginning to form to Biden ‘competition’ order Initiative petitions, a type of ballot question, are filed with the Attorney General’s Office. Please sign the petition to urge Massachusetts Legislators to support the ballot initiative to ban animal confinement! California's Proposition 19 would legalize the possession, cultivation, and transportation of marijuana for the personal use of persons 21 years of age or older. It was passed by ballot measure , [1] specifically called an initiative petition within Massachusetts state law for any form of referendum voting, in 1980 and went into effect in 1982. II. Massachusetts Constitution Article XLVIII The Initiative. Antislavery Petitions Massachusetts Dataverse A collection of digitized historical Massachusetts petitions relating to anti-slavery and anti-segregation activities. Amendment text: "No initiative petition shall propose a constitutional amendment that would restrict the rights set forth in this constitution to freedom and equality, or the right of each individual to be protected by society in the enjoyment of life, liberty and property, according to standing laws." Proposed Initiative Petition Would Worsen Climate, Equity and Transportation Crises. Section 1. See also: Laws governing the initiative process in Florida Florida Senate Bill 1794 was designed to make the following changes: . - If an initiative petition, signed by the required number of qualified voters, has been filed as aforesaid, the secretary of the commonwealth shall, upon the assembling of the general court, transmit it to the clerk of the house of representatives, and the proposed measure shall then be deemed to be introduced and pending. III. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts AN INITIATIVE PETITION FOR A LAW Under Article XLVIII of the Amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth FILING DEADLINES. You must submit your petition for approval by the first Wednesday in August. Each of the ten original signers must obtain certificates of voter n.d. Learn about filing initiative petitions. Initiative petitions (as they're called in my state of Massachusetts) differ from state to state, and some states don't have them at all. Massachusetts Senate Bill 13: Initiative petitions must be submitted to local election officials for certification of signatures no later than 5 p.m. on Wednesday, November 20, 2013. Universal Citation: MA Gen L ch 43 § 37 (2019) Section 37. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts AN INITIATIVE PETITION FOR A LAW Under Article XLVIII of the Amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth FILING DEADLINES. Const Amend Art 48 Init, Pt 2, S 3 requires that an initiative petition be signed by ten qualified voters of Commonwealth and submitted to the attorney general, who certifies its compliance with the state constitution and prepares a summary … additional markings on this petition will disqualify any signatures on this petition sheet. Initiative petition seeks ranked voting in Massachusetts Voters cast their votes through absentee ballots for the election at the town hall in … It would also adopt labor and wage policies specific to app-based drivers and companies. additional markings on this petition will disqualify any signatures on this petition sheet. Initiative petition proponents filed with the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office earlier this week 28 proposed initiative petitions that, if certified by the AG and endorsed by the requisite number of registered voters, could appear on the November 2018 ballot. 140, § 131 1/2, or upon the petition of any person seeking to place a weapon on … Initiative Petitions. The petition number for the initiative was 11-12, and was filed by Michael Clarke as "An Initiative Petition for an Act Relative to Death with Dignity". Initiative Petition S.23 186th (2009 - 2010) Search Proposal for a legislative amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth relative to … The Massachusetts Right to Repair Coalition on Tuesday filed a petition with Attorney General Maura Healey’s office for a ballot initiative to update the state’s 2012 Right to … An initiative petition for a law should be filed if the individual intends to submit a proposed law to the voters for their approval or rejection. Citizens of Massachusetts may initiate legislation through the process of indirect initiative. Ranked Choice Voting Ballot Initiative Petition. But I'll outline the general ideas. We, the undersigned, are writing to support the ballot initiative that would ban livestock confinement in Massachusetts. By the time the deadline was reached, 30 proposals were filed. Fill in the name of the town. Section 2. 114 EXPLORING INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM LAW KEYWORDS. Initiative petitions must be submitted to local election officials for certification of signatures no later than 5 p.m. on Wednesday, November 20, 2013. Generally, initiative petitions are filed in odd-numbered years to appear on the ballot at the next statewide biennial election (held in even-numbered years). Massachusetts Initiative Petition A group, calling themselves Death with Dignity, has filed an initiative petition in Massachusetts to legalize physician assisted suicide. The deadline for the Massachusetts General Court to act on the petitions is May 5. of residence. original petition was filed on september 6, 2013. secretary of the commonwealth of massachusetts instructions to circulators and signers • do not alter this initiative petition in any way. - An initiative petition shall set forth the full text of the constitutional amendment or law, hereinafter designated as the measure, which is proposed by the petition. Ch. In seven states, the distribution requirement for statewide initiative petitions is spread out over a state’s counties (Arkansas, Massachusetts, Maryland, Nebraska, New Mexico, Ohio, and Wyoming). The Committee to Bring Voter ID to Massachusetts!Sign The Petition!Click the buttons to download our Voter ID Petition Papers, FAQ, and Instructions!Print the petition on standard 8.5 x 11 paper, two-sided. Support Our Seniors | click here to sign the initiative petition. Initiative petitions must be submitted to local election o!cials for certi"cation of signatures no later than 5 p.m. on Wednesday, November 18, 2015. The petition, dated Tuesday, requests the agency to reschedule psilocybin as a less-restricted … Local election officials must Make a donation to help support the ballot initiative to Establish Adequate Funding for Residents of Massachusetts Nursing Homes. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts AN INITIATIVE PETITION FOR A LAW Under Article XLVIII of the Amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth FILING DEADLINES. 245 WOBURN — An initiative petition to bring a voter identification requirement to Massachusetts has been certified by the attorney general, and now comes the work: obtaining more than 80,000 signatures from registered voters by mid-November to ensure that the … The proposed law is tantamount to a poll tax Initiative Petitions. Scope and Content: The attorney general of Massachusetts is the Commonwealth’s chief legal officer. The plaintiffs, four Massachusetts voters, filed suit in the county court to quash the Attorney General's certification of Initiative Petition 05-05, entitled "An Act to protect dogs" (petition), and to enjoin the Secretary of the Commonwealth (Secretary) from placing the petition on the 2006 Statewide ballot. Donate. ... MIT Science Policy Initiative petition urges Congress to fund research MIT Science Policy Initiative petition urges Congress to fund research. Healey has not commented publicly on the Massachusetts born-alive petition, though she has said that her office’s decisions to approve … The Secretary may amend the roster upon his or her own initiative, upon the initiative of the Gun Control Advisory Board under Ch. Change.org is the world’s largest petition platform, using technology to empower more than 200 million users to create the change they want to see. The Massachusetts Package Store Association, which opposed the Cumberland Farms ballot question during the 2020 campaign, recently filed its own initiative petition for the 2022 cycle. A ballot initiative in Massachusetts would slash the state's sales tax from 6.25 percent to 3 percent, and repeal in most cases the state sales tax on alcoholic beverages. Joseph Prezioso / AFP/Getty Images The deadline for the Massachusetts General Court to act on the petitions is May 5. Those seeking to amend Massachusetts law or the Massachusetts Constitution through the state’s unique ballot initiative process had until Wednesday, August 4, 2021 to file their proposals with the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office. Michigan activists have filed a statewide ballot initiative that would legalize possessing, cultivating and sharing psychedelics and set up a system for their therapeutic and spiritual use. additional markings on this petition will disqualify any signatures on this petition sheet. Steps in the initiative petition process The process is established by Amendment Article 48 of the Massachusetts Constitution as a way for people to propose laws and constitutional amendments for approval by voters. Offered By Office of Attorney General Maura Healey Apply for an initiative or referendum serial number from the Secretary of State’s Office; 3. And indeed, we have been here before. Filing Initiative Petitions Initiative petitions, a type of ballot question, are filed with the Attorney General’s Office. Learn about filing initiative petitions. The Attorney General's Office reviews all properly submitted initiative petitions and certifies those that meet the requirements of the state constitution. Initiative petitions must be submitted to local election officials for certification of signatures no later than 5 p.m. on Wednesday, November 20, 2019. A petition conforming to the requirements hereinafter provided and requesting the city council to pass a measure, except an order granted under section seventy or seventy-one of chapter one hundred and sixty-four or chapter one hundred and sixty-six, or requesting the school committee to pass a measure, therein set forth or designated, shall be termed an initiative … From 2016 through 2020, the total cost of successful petition drives to qualify an initiative for the ballot in Florida ranged from $2.8 million to $8.8 million. Massachusetts Initiative Petition (2011-2012) Note: The following protection of conscience provisions are included in a bill to legalize assisted suicide in Massachusetts. Excluded Matters. The initiative petition would create a new section of state law declaring that app-based drivers are independent contractors and outlining benefits specific to their field. That may be what you’re thinking – as I was – when you read about the latest “right to repair” initiative petition (Question 1) on the Massachusetts ballot in November. Initiative Petition Seeks Ranked Voting In Massachusetts Voters cast their ballots at the Community House in Rockport, Mass., at a polling location on Election Day, November 6, 2018. The decision clears the way for the company to begin gathering voter signatures on two related proposals (Initiative Petition 21-11, Initiative Petition 21-12).“We believe that Massachusetts … The measure was filed with the Massachusetts Attorney General and would establish, according to those who filed the measure, an "Act Relative to Death with Dignity". The Commonwealth of Massachusetts AN INITIATIVE PETITION FOR A LAW Under Article XLVIII of the Amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth FILING DEADLINES. The initiative petition process Understand how initiative petitions are reviewed and certified. Initiative petitions must be submitted to local election officials for certification of signatures no later than 5 p.m. on Wednesday, November 20, 2019. See more. The Committee to Bring Voter ID to Massachusetts!Sign The Petition!Click the buttons to download our Voter ID Petition Papers, FAQ, and Instructions!Print the petition on standard 8.5 x 11 paper, two-sided. In Wyoming, an initiative must receive a majority of the total votes cast in a general election. The Attorney General's Office reviews all properly submitted initiative petitions and certifies those that meet the requirements of the state constitution. VIEWPOINT Willful Ideological Blindness: The Failure of Initiative Petition 15-17 in Massachusetts AN INITIATIVE PETITION FOR A LAW: An Act relative to the teaching of English in Public Schools Be it enacted by the People, and by their authority, as follows: SECTION 1. Local News Initiative Petition Seeks Ranked Voting In Massachusetts Aug 7, 2019 Initiative Petition Seeks Ranked Voting In Massachusetts Voters cast their ballots at the Community House in Rockport, Mass., at a polling location on Election Day, November 6, 2018. 140, § 131 3/4. In 2016, Florida required 683,149 valid signatures. of residence. Initiative petition proponents filed with the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office earlier this week 28 proposed initiative petitions that, if certified by the AG and endorsed by the requisite number of registered voters, could appear on the November 2018 ballot. The initiative petition would implement ranked-choice voting, starting in 2022, for "primary and general elections for all Massachusetts … The national psychedelics advocacy group Decriminalize Nature, its Michigan chapter and the youth-led organization Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) are partnering … Initiative petition seeks ranked voting in Massachusetts Voters cast their votes through absentee ballots for the election at the town hall in … Those states require a majority, provided the votes cast on the initiative equal a percentage of the total votes cast in the election: 35 percent in Nebraska, 30 percent in Massachusetts and 40 percent in Mississippi. Local election officials must The Constitution of Massachusetts can be amended through initiative, and state statutes can be proposed through initiative. Local election officials must A proposed ballot question calls for a ranked-choice voting method in future state elections and primaries in Massachusetts. This is the first step toward placing this question on the statewide ballot on Election Day this November. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts AN INITIATIVE PETITION FOR A LAW Under Article XLVIII of the Amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth FILING DEADLINES. Crisis. A coalition of app-based ride-hailing and on-demand delivery companies including Lyft, Uber, Doordash and Instacart have filed a petition for …

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