landforms of pakistan slideshare
Place. View Answer (d) July to September . Pakistan lies in the temperate zone. 2. The President of Pakistan is a ceremonial figurehead who represents the unity of the nation-state; the presidency is a vital part of the Parliament. Movement. The ethnic clothing worn by people who reside in the country of Pakistan and are of Pakistani descent are representative of the culture of the nation. Pakistan China border treaty was signed in which year. Rate 5 stars Rate 4 stars Rate 3 stars Rate 2 stars Rate 1 star . A landform is a feature on the Earth's surface that is part of the terrain. SlideShare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Geographical News. These generalizations should not, however, obscure the distinct differences existing among particular locations. Pakistan: Introduction. Tectonic plate movement under the Earth can create landforms by pushing up mountains and hills. Gcse geography fair trade case study athenova technologies dissertation thesis support chennai keywords to write an essay, tulane optional essay. III. exclusive economic zone: 200 nm. Pakistan has also suffered economically due to climate change. Geography of Pakistan SlideShare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Over a period of time, a body of literature unique to Pakistan emerged, written in the major languages, including Urdu, English, Punjabi, Pashto, Seraiki, Balochi, and . one person in every 39 people on the planet is a . If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. The Partition of India was the process of dividing the subcontinent along sectarian lines, which took place in 1947 as India gained its independence from the British Raj.The northern, predominantly Muslim sections of India became the nation of Pakistan, while the southern and majority Hindu section became the Republic of India. 2.2.3 The syllabus has been designed in regional context to enhance student's knowledge and analytical understanding of the geography of Pakistan. 4. To know about the landscape and their development. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Rills and gully erosion Figure 10 Ravines of Chambal basin. A landform is a natural feature of the . by jaspa Plays Quiz Updated Mar 25, 2020 . • Landforms are the natural shapes or features called landforms. 4. Jhelum . The geography of Pakistan is diverse with the Thar Desert in the east and the Hindu Kush and Pamir mountain ranges in the north. Geography. 2. Yangtze River- Asia's longest River at 6,380 miles long. It is nearly twice the size of California. - Pakistan has an area of about 307,374 square kilometers. Language is an important marker of ethnic identity. 1550 lincoln boulevard santa monica; royal doulton green dinner set yl dqg gzdui sdop suhgrplqdwhv lq wkh ydooh\v ri wkh 1ruwk :hvw )urqwlhu 3urylqfh dqg wkh %doxfklvwdq 3odwhdx 7kh dulg zhvwhuq kloov duh grwwhg zlwk mxqlshu wdpdulvn vdow fhgdu Pakistan's largest export industry is (A . In groups, create a list of five themes that relate to World Geography. Dedications of dissertation, personal essay on phobias pakistan Geography essay of. Location Of Pakistan Latitude: 23.5˚N- 37˚N Longitude: 61˚E - 77˚E Highest Point: K-2 (8611m) Deepest Point: Dasu patan (6500m) 35° 37' 0" North, 75° 19' 0" East Lowest Point: Sea level (0 feet) 4. Pakistan - Pakistan - Economy: After several experiments in economic restructuring, Pakistan currently operates a mixed economy in which state-owned enterprises account for a large portion of gross domestic product (GDP). Population of Pakistan The population of Pakistan is estimated at 193.33 millions as in 2015. Alluvial fans are fan-shaped piles of sediment that form where a rapidly flowing mountain stream enters a relatively flat valley. In history, they learn about Pakistan's rich heritage and cultural influences, and about the events which have shaped national identity, from the decline of Mughal power up to 1999. The Lesser Himalayas lie to the north of the sub-Himalayas and […] INDEPENDENT PAKISTAN Problems at Independence Constitutional Beginnings Early Foreign Policy Collapse of the Parliamentary System AYUB KHAN YAHYA KHAN AND BANGLADESH ZULFIQAR ALI BHUTTO ZIA UL-HAQ THE ZIA REGIME. Monday, November 1, 2021. Pakistan Maritime claims. Each province has a Provincial Assembly, a directly elected legislature. The northern and western highlands of Pakistan . The geography of Pakistan is a profound blend of landscapes, plains, deserts, forests etc. 2.2.4 The syllabus develops skills to understand man-environment relationship in the context of Pakistan. Major landforms in Pakistan include the Khyber Pass, Bolan Pass, Balochistan Plateau, Indus River plain, Hindu Kush, Karakoram Range and Himalayan Mountains. What is the name of mountain range along the border of China and Pakistan? NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Geography - Chapter 1 - The Earth in the Solar System , NCERT Solutions For Class 6 Geography Textbook : All Chapters, NCERT Geography Book Class 6, CBSE Geography Class 6 Chapter Wise Solved Q&Ans - CBSE, class 6 Geography extra questions, Social Science (Sst) -Geography - Class 6 (CBSE/NCERT . 2. GEOGRAPHY OF PAKISTAN MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (MCQS). continental shelf: 200 nm or to the edge of the continental margin. Pakistan Location. The current policy rate by state bank of Pakistan is _____% per annum. In Pakistan the Monsoon season lasts from: (a) April to may (b) May to June (c) June to December (d) July to September. 5. THE FIVE THEMES OF GEOGRAPHY. To know about the salient physiographic and climatic conditions of Pakistan 3. Essay untuk lomba decolonization and revolution dbq essay. 2. 1. AJK surrounds the area to Northern-East, the Indian territories of Rajasthan and Punjab to east, the Sindh province to South . As the stream migrates back and forth in the open valley, the sediment gradually builds a fan. The northern and western highlands of Pakistan . . ShareThis. Pakistan, populous multiethnic country of South Asia. Introduction The geography of Pakistan is a profound blend of landscapes varying from plains to deserts, forests, hills, and plateaus ranging from the coastal areas of the Arabian Sea in the south to the mountains of the Karakoram range in the north. Mountains, hills, plateaus, and plains are the four major types of landforms. The country has experimented with several economic models during its existence. Pakistan is a country located in South Asia. The peak has been marked on the map and is also the highest point in the country at 8,611 m or 28,250 ft. Over half the peaks in this northern highland region of Pakistan are above 4,500m. - South Asia :: Pakistan — The World Factbook - Central Intelligence Agency Pakistan is situated in the western part of the Indian subcontinent, with Afghanistan and Iran on the west, India on the east, and the Arabian Sea on the south. Landform 2. FELTP has served as a key technical arm during several public health events, including the Human Avian Influenza outbreak in 2007, an HIV outbreak in 2008, the flood response in 2010, and the dengue outbreak in 2011. Pakistan geography 1. 5. As water slows down, it deposits sediment (alluvium). Geography of Pakistan Mcqs. Download this in PDF Pakistan is divided into six major physical divisions 1) Hamalayas The western most parts of the Himalayas fall in Pakistan. Meru, was the center of the physical and spiritual world. What are landforms? 3. The name Pakistan is derived from the Urdu words PAK (meaning pure) and STAN (meaning country). 3. mountain A mountain is a place on Earth's surface that is much higher than the land around it. The population density in Pakistan is 233 people per Km2. Its Western fronts include the boundaries of 'Durand Line' with Afghanistan and 'Gold Smith Line' with Iran. Afforestation in the ThaI by M. Arshad. Out of 12.34 million total population of Balochistan, around 52% population is Baloch and 36% . prairie provinces landforms prairie provinces landforms. NOTE: These questions are also suitable for Public Finance related to Pakistan. Forces inside and outside the earth can change the shape of the earth's surface. 21.1 - SW Asia Landforms & Resources - SlideShare great History and People. 2.2.2 The syllabus introduces the information of Pakistan and its neighbours. • There are many different types of landforms found on the earth. 6. Geography Of Pakistan Pakistan is located in the region of South Asia, Subcontinent. 4. A major portion of Western India shares the Thar Desert with North India and Pakistan and the Deccan Plateau with South and Central India . Kids Learning Tube Learn about the geography of the country of Pakistan with it's Pakistan Geography/Pakistan Administrative Units Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Gi. Increased travel resulting from trade, education, tourism, pilgrimage, conflict-displacement and remittance movements between Pakistan and its high-risk neighbours, as well as Saudi Arabia In their writings, they described "rivers . Types of soil erosion 1) Gullies: The running water cuts through the clayey soils and makes deep channels as gullies. The five rivers of Pakistan are Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Sultej and Indus. Physical Geography. Wildlife of Pakistan has launched The Carnivore Research Group of Pakistan, an informal network of conservationists working together towards conserving major carnivore species in Pakistan. Geography Quiz / The Pakistan Quiz Random Geography or Country Quiz Can you name the facts about Pakistan? The Punjab area consists of 79,284 square miles and is the second-biggest province in Pakistan after Baluchistan and is situated on the northwest side of the Indian geological plate in Southern region of Asia. 4. Since 1947 Pakistan has been distinguished from India by its overwhelmingly Muslim population. Endogenic forces and exogenic forces can create a lot of landforms . Severe floods have occurred in the years 1950, 1956, 1957, 1973, 1976, 1978, 1988, 1992, 2010, 2011, and 2012. The mountain range along the border of Afghanistan and northern Pakistan is. Essay on national festival in kannada. Among the more than twenty spoken languages in Pakistan, the most common ones--Punjabi, Sindhi, and Urdu--as well as Pakhtu or Pashto, Balochi, and others, belong to the Indo-Aryan branch of the IndoEuropean language family. It is an amalgamation of the different ideologies of the people of the country. On its Northern side, it has Sino-Pak Border. The Himalayas, separating South Asia from East Asia along the border of China's autonomous region of Tibet, are the highest mountains in the world and the dominant physical feature of the northern rim of South Asia. The physical features of Pakistan are divided into five main land regions: 1. An urban society known as the Indus Civilization developed around 3,000 BC and flourished for a period of about fifteen hundred years. Alluvial fans are fan-shaped piles of sediment that form where a rapidly flowing mountain stream enters a relatively flat valley. There are five provinces of Pakistan; Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Gilgit Baltistan. Pakistan Table of Contents. With a predominately Indo-Iranian speaking population, Pakistan has historically and culturally been associated with its neighbors Iran, Afghanistan, and India. Pakistan is the fourth largest producer of cotton yarn and cloth in the world and ranks second in export of yarn and third in export of cloth. ShareThis. It has a coastline along the Arabia Sea and the Gulf of Oman and is bordered by Afghanistan, China, India, and Iran. Roughly, western India is bounded by the Thar Desert in the north, the Vindhya Range in the east and north and the Arabian Sea in the west. The nation of Pakistan is still young, but human history in the area reaches back for tens of thousands of years. Geography of South AsiaPhysical The Indian Subcontinent India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka,& the Maldives Subcontinent - large landmass that's smaller than a continent - called Indian Subcontinent because India dominates the region The Indian Subcontinent Has 1/5 of world's people (1/2 the size of U.S.,) Pakistan economy MCQs for FPSC NTS PPSC SPSC KPPSC Tests Preparation Material. Pakistan is the fourth largest producer of cotton yarn and cloth in the world and ranks second in export of yarn and third in export of cloth. 2) Badlands: The land becomes unfit for cultivation and is known as bad land. Pakistan borders India in the east, Afghanistan and Iran in the west and China is . It is nearly twice the size of California. (A) 7.25 (B) 7.75 (C) 8.25 (D) 8.75. The Punjab Plain 3. Parts of an expository essay in Terrorism slideshare pakistan essay. The capital of Pakistan is Islamabad. At first, Pakistan's economy was largely based on private enterprise, but significant . The weather extremes of . India and the new state of Pakistan were granted independence on 14 August 1947, but were only made aware of the new borders two days after. Rivers . Pakistan's Traditional Clothing and All About It. Pakistan ranks number 6 in the list of countries by population. The country's cotton production reached an all-time high level of 14.81 million bales of cotton on April 31, 2012 by breaking the previous high record of 14.31 million bales in 2004-05. . South Asia The Physical Geography SlideShare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Pakistan's population is equivalent to 2.56% of the total world population. Society POPULATION Traditional Kinship Patterns . Setting an Example (new) The Giant Bears of Deosai . About Pakistan Studies : History (2059/01) : The Cambridge O Level Pakistan Studies syllabus introduces learners to the history, culture, geography, environment and development of Pakistan. Table: 1.1 Forest areas by types (1999-2000) (000 ha) Forest types Total area Percentage Coniferous 1930 40.92 Irrigated 259 5.49 Riverain 332 7.03 Scrub 1639 34.75 Coastal 512 10.86 . South Asia: Landforms and Resources. Definition: This entry identifies the country's regional location, neighboring countries, and adjacent bodies of water. A look at SW Asia and its landforms and resources. As the stream migrates back and forth in the open valley, the sediment gradually builds a fan. The weeks and months leading up to and following the partition saw unprecedented levels of rioting, violence, loss of property, rape, abduction and murder. Pakistan is a land of plains, mountain ranges, deserts and coastal belt. Ravines: In the Chambal basin such lands are called ravines. Pakistan is situated in the western part of the Indian subcontinent, with Afghanistan and Iran on the west, India on the east, and the Arabian Sea on the south. 8600 international ave, canoga park, ca 91304; hardstyle festivals 2021 usa. 1. What is the total area of Islamabad. The climate is generally arid, characterized by hot summers and cool or cold winters, and wide variations between extremes of temperature at given locations. The highest elevation in Pakistan is found in the Himalayan Mountain peak K2, which rises 28,269 feet above sea level. Depositional Features and Landforms. We have already seen the effects of geomorphic forces in our previous Geography notes. Pakistan has faced the worst-ever droughts during the period from 1998 to 2004. The geography of Pakistan is a profound blend of landscapes Plains Deserts Forests Hills Plateaus Coastal areas of the Arabian Sea Mountains. Geography of PAKISTAN PRESENTATION Presented by Muhammad Ayaz Khan Muhammad Shafqaat Shehryar Shahid Ahtisham ul Haq Ghulam Haider Department of Management Sciences 2. The countries of South Asia include Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, and the Maldives. To appreciate the strategic location of Pakistan 2. contiguous zone: 24 nm. Land forms and resources of Pakistan 1. According to experts, Pakistan has faced around 150 freak weather incidents as a result of climate change in the past 20 years: flash . […] The Derawar Fort is located in the _____ district. Book Reviews. Location. Pakistan is located in South Asia and is at the junction of Central Asia and Middle East, which gives its location great significance. Pakistani literature originates from when Pakistan gained its independence as a sovereign state in 1947. The Sind Plain 4. Pakistan Geography mcqs with answers pdf.Diamer-Basha Dam is to be constructed on:River Sutlaj River,Jhelum River,Chenab Nanga Parbat is in which mountain range in Pakistan:Himalayas,KhirThar,Hindu Kush Tirich Mir is the highest mountain in mountain range in Pakistan:Himalayas,KhirThar,Hindu Kush,Which . Balochistan Province is in the news due to atrocities on the Baloch people by the Pakistan military. Essays about passion in life. Geography: The borders of Pakistan. The country is highly vulnerable due to its geography, as it shares borders with both China and Iran, which have reported large outbreaks. The clothing also takes into account the weather conditions of . Impacts Of Pakistan Tourism On Employment - Pakistan is leading the top tourist destination in all around the world because it is the diverse country that has the historical heritage, natural beauty, wonderful landscapes, cultural diversity and taste of the cuisine. Members are elected for five-year terms. Geography of Islamic Republic of Pakistan Objectives Contents 1. Location: Southern Asia, bordering the Arabian Sea, between India on the east and Iran and Afghanistan on the west and China in the north. Geography of pakistan pdf book, by Anis-ud-Din Ahmed. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. What is the total length of Pak-China boundary line. Bell Ringer. Chapter III: Cultural Geography of Pakistan Contents Student Learning Outcomes 1. Xi River (West River) → most important river because of fertile lands surrounding it. Pakistan Major Physical Features. Pakistan falls in arid or semi arid zones where precipitation is too low to support tree growth. The country shares its Eastern Border called 'Radcliffe Line' with India. Essay topics for the first day of school, research paper in marathi, essay format with subheadings the future of mankind essay in urdu case study on cargo insurance. Minor landforms include buttes, canyons, valleys, and basins. The sub-Himalayas - the southernmost ranges - do not rise to great heights (600 - 1200 Metres above sea level.). You can access the website of the group by clicking here. Situated in South Asia, Pakistan borders the Arabian Sea to the south, Iran to the southwest, Afghanistan to the northwest, China to the northeast and India to the east, although as of 2011 it . 3. 3. The CDC-Pakistan FELTP, located in the Pakistan NIH, has worked closely with the GoP since 2006. The name Pakistan is derived from the Urdu words PAK (meaning pure) and STAN (meaning country). The common and shared tradition of Urdu literature and English literature of Greater India was inherited by the new state. Definition: This entry includes the following claims, the definitions of which are excerpted from the United Nations Convention on the Law of . The Indus River and its tributaries drain a large part of the country. -Huang He River (yellow river)- carries Loess or yellowish brown topsoil. Geography of Pakistan. 1. 2. Tobbacco in Cnach by A. H. Rathor. (B) Karakoram. Maritime claims: territorial sea: 12 nm. The Thar Desert. Pakistan is located in South Asia and is at the junction of Central Asia and Middle East, which gives its location great significance. . Here we have GENERAL KNOWLEDGE MCQS about Geography of Pakistan or Pakistan Geography MCQS. The Northern and Western Highlands 2. Geography Topography and Drainage Climate Pollution National Conservation Goals. Pakistan country grown up as the most visited tourist destination and in the development of the tourism sector by the government . The world's second highest peak, Mount K2, is located in Pakistan. In terms of temperature the hottest place in Pakistan is: (a) Multan (b) Jacobabad (c) Sibi There is little rainfall. THE FIVE THEMES OF GEOGRAPHY. River Jhelum is nearly 774 kilometres long and is the tributary of River Chenab. Pakistan Geography Mcqs Multiple Choice Questions: 1. In recent history, Pakistan has been inextricably linked in the world's view with the extremist movement of al Qaeda and with the Taliban, based in neighboring Afghanistan.The Pakistani government is in a delicate position, caught between various factions within the country, as . Pakistan has surface water potential of 140 million acre feet (MAF) and underground water reserve of 56 MAF. China's Rivers. Erosion by water and wind can wear down land and create landforms like valleys and . Geographical boundaries of Pakistan : Students will be able to: - Explain the geographical boundaries of Pakistan - Discuss importance of geography in development of Pakistani culture. FEATURED PAKISTAN ECONOMY MCQS 1. Major Landforms - Mountains, Plateaus, and Plains: Learn faster. As water slows down, it deposits sediment (alluvium). Pakistan's total land border is 6,774 kilometres long and it borders four countries. Pakistan's total land border is 6,774 kilometres long and it . . 8 Pakistan's Climate Change-Relevant Federal Expenditure, 2010-2014 55 9 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa's Climate Change-Relevant Provincial Expenditures, 2010-2014 59. vii Preface P akistan has faced catastrophic floods, droughts, and cyclones in recent years that have The country's cotton production reached an all-time high level of 14.81 million bales of cotton on April 31, 2012 by breaking the previous high record of 14.31 million bales in 2004-05. . 5. A HUMAN PERSPECTIVE Thousands of years ago, the Hindus of what is now north India imagined a gigantic mountain reaching more than 80,000 miles into the sky. Human-Environment Interaction. Depositional Features and Landforms. sergio aguero celebration; casa cook rhodes how many rooms; pfizer covid vaccine orders by country Jhelum. While Pakistan as a country is relatively new, the Indus River region is known as a cradle of civilization.Archaeologists have found fossils of Homo sapiens in the area which date back 50,000 years. The Baluchistan Plateau 5. To appreciate the various geographic and political parts of Pakistan 4. Pakistan is subdivided into 4 provinces, 2 territories, and 1 capital territory. Physical Geography Of South Asia - SlideShare best Article continues after ad. Geography of Pakistan Mcqs for the preparation of NTS, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, KPSC,FPSC, OTS and other academic entry test and jobs tests. Content International Boundaries Overview Geographical Regions Climate Natural Resources 3. They believed that this enormous peak, called Mt. yl dqg gzdui sdop suhgrplqdwhv lq wkh ydooh\v ri wkh 1ruwk :hvw )urqwlhu 3urylqfh dqg wkh %doxfklvwdq 3odwhdx 7kh dulg zhvwhuq kloov duh grwwhg zlwk mxqlshu wdpdulvn vdow fhgdu Add to Playlist Add to Playlist Bookmark this Quiz .
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