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when to separate pregnant platyBlog

when to separate pregnant platy

I want my first batch of fry to all survive as close to 100% as possible. can anyone show me a picture of a pregnant platy that going to give birth. The dark spot will be very evident. This subreddit is dedicated to the 33,600 species of fish from all across our planet and primarily focuses on the identification of them. Jan 5, 2019 #1 Hi there! It is best to keep the pregnant Platy safe whether you plan to keep the fry or not. So, with many Amazon Sword and Water Sprite plants floating on top and planted at the bottom of my tank one one side of my 35 gallon ow tank (the other side is open free water space), I allow my Platy to birth her Fries which quickly stay with the . Your pregnant platy may also hide in a separate area of the fish tank to protect herself and her babies. can anyone show me a picture of a pregnant platy that going to give birth. If you've opted for a separate tank to keep the fry isolated from the adult fish, separate the mother as soon as you can after you've noticed she's pregnant. You want to have the female in an aquarium where you want the fry to be born, then remove the mother after she gives birth to prevent her eating her young. Adequate temperature - Platies enjoy tropical temperatures, almost in the same range as guppies. After she has the fry, remove the fry to a separate aquarium to raise them. 2. The main purpose of separating a pregnant Platy from the rest of the fish is to ensure her safety against aggressive . Make sure that you set up a separate breeding tank for the fish you want to mate. One of the first steps in preventing adult fish to eat baby platies is to know how to recognize the signs of pregnancy and prepare the aquarium for the time the female platy will give birth. So I know that there is a debate between the idea of scooping out a pregnant Platy that is about to give birth into a breeding net or to leave her in the main tank to give birth naturally. However, separating the pregnant females causes stress for them. I have put her in a separate floating tank. Rose the fighting fish. This species is a livebearer, which means that the female gives birth to free-swimming young. She had white spot but I started the medication three days ago.. Any thoughts on what might had happened? The only species of fish that gets pregnant is the viviparous kind. When should I separate my pregnant platy fish? The anal fins of male platies will turn into a gonopodium, which is the reproductive organ that will fertilize the eggs. If you wrote down when you first noticed your platy fish was pregnant, the fry should be born about 24-30 days from that date. It is on the lower abdomen, just in front of the tail. You can keep them in different tanks to reduce the breeding. 2. Does fish reproduce sexually or asexually? Separate them! Platy fish can breed once they are four months old (although they are not considered "adult" fish until six months of age). I also have moved the live plants into the main tank and bought a separator to have the platy on the one side of the main tank and the Molly and cat fish on the other side. the female platy is stressed out). 96,042 96.0K. I benefitted from the tips and my fry happily swam in the tank. Suppose you already have platies of two genders in one tank. Ideally, pregnant females should be placed on their own in a separate aquarium with lots of feathery plants where they can give birth in a stress-free environment. It is only necessary for the female to mate with a male once and give birth for several months at a time. The babies are almost transparent and have a knack for hiding, which gives them an advantage. Some platies never develop a gravid spot, even though they are pregnant, so the absence of one doesn't necessarily mean the fish isn't expecting. A pregnant platy will develop a noticeably swollen belly. Platies give birth to 20 to 80 juveniles at one time, so expect a significant boost in the population of your aquarium. The fry tank water should be balanced and change 25% of the water every 2 weeks. But now im not sure if she is ready to pop. Temperatures higher than 82℉ can be stressful as can temperatures below 68℉ (room temperature). The platy is a very popular tropical fish for a community setup. Platies are ready to breed at 5-6 months of age. Posted by 2 hours ago. Platy parents won't eat their fry, but it's still best to put pregnant females in a separate tank in order to keep the fry as a separate population from the adults. Xiphophorus comes from the Greek word 'xiphos', which means sword, and 'pherein', which means carry.. Platy fish is a common name that refers to three species: Southern platy (Xiphophorus maculatus)variable platy (Xiphophorus variatus) Female platy fish are larger than male platies and they have a rounded abdomen. By Jemma, 9 years ago on Tropical Fish. The pregnant platy will behave pretty much the same as she does normally. This will work well for longer aquariums like a 75 or a 125-gallon. This beautiful mid dweller is an constricted looking colourful fish with a standard looking mouth and smallish head. My platy fry grew into strong adults. With a separate tank, you must be careful to match the water parameters of the original tank. Continue browsing in r/Fish. If your platy fish don't seem to be breeding, make sure you have both male and female fish in the tank. They can also have an almost rectangular stomach as well when they are close to giving birth. In addition, pregnant platyfish need a good diet for their developing babies and themselves. This is of course assuming that you have a big enough tank to divide. This guide will teach you about all elements of platy fish care. The southern platyfish, common platy, moonfish or mickey mouse platy (Xiphophorus maculatus) is a species of freshwater fish in family Poecilidae of order Cyprinodontiformes. However, opportunistic adult platy fish will indeed see them as a food source. As instances, the women swordtail and also guppy will certainly both bring to life anywhere from 20 to 100 online young after a gestation duration of 4 to 6 weeks, and also mollies will certainly generate a brood of 20 to 60 online young after a pregnancy of 6 to 10 weeks. Platy Pregnancy Questions 10/25/05 Hello. In general, moving a pregnant platy is a bad idea. Some adult fish are caretakers. Males and females are generally a similar size, but females have a plumper appearance. When should I separate my pregnant platy fish? Why does my pregnant belly come when I sit up? This is I believe the platy's first set of baby fry. Fish born from eggs are usually bigger, faster, and have a higher survival rate than livebearer fry. Those without separate sexes avoid self . You generally have between 24 and 30 days to make accommodations for your new fry once the mother shows signs of pregnancy. It's a good idea to keep them separate during pregnancy and kidding. The animals breed at a young age, and they never cease to breed. How long is a platy pregnant? <Very hard to say. Like other live-bearing fish, she carries her fry until they are fully developed. They're beautiful, low-maintenance, and quite fun to observe! Temperature. Create a good home for the fry. Platy's prefer water temperature at 76-79F ( 24.4-26.1C). One female Platy can give birth to 20-40 fry, but don't be surprised if you'll end up having 80 fry at once. i know 3 of my plties r pregnant. The area where a pregnant guppy's abdomen meets the tail is sometimes called the "gravid patch", or "gravid spot". Best Answer. I have the temp set between 78°F (25,5°C) and 80°F (26,5°C). If . She has a very large abdomen/belly, but I'm not seeing the distinct gravid pot I've seen in other pictures. Wiki User ∙ 2011-06-08 07:58:44 Many (but probably not all) of your platy fry will survive in a community tank if it contains enough plants for them to hide in. Platy fish belong to the Xiphophorus genus and, along with mollies, guppies, and swordfish, are members of the Poeciliidae family. Most species have separate female and male sexes, but there are also many species that are hermaphrodites, meaning that an individual has both testes and ovaries. Most species that reproduce by sexual reproduction are heterogamous—females producing larger gametes (ova) and males producing smaller gametes (sperm). Sep 8, 2017. Usually, pregnant platies are placed in a breeding box to save the baby fry from adult platy fish. I keep a large ball of java moss in with my platy-mommy which seems to give the fry plenty of hiding places. The fry might have been eaten before you were able to find them, especially if you have other larger fish with the platy, such as your gouramis. How much time will a fish be expecting? Platy fish are quite common among freshwater aquarists. Male pregnancy is the incubation of one or more embryos or fetuses by male members of some species. This is essentially a rod shape modified anal fish. When the female is ready to give birth she will be very fat and her abdomen is likely to have a "squared off" or boxed appearance, i.e. The best one to purchase is the gauze sleeve that fits over a rectangular frame. Can someone help me im new to this Platy 30-40 days. Platy pregnancies last for about a month. A live-bearer, it is closely related to the green swordtail (X. helleri) and can interbreed with it. It calls for a tank upgrade if you want to keep all your Platy fish together. 33.3k. Keep the water temperature somewhere in the range of 70 and 77 degrees Fahrenheit (21 to 25 degrees C). She has a very large abdomen/belly, but I'm not seeing the distinct gravid pot I've seen in other pictures. But for the most part, you have to separate male goats or bucks from the females, because the does come into heat or estrus every 18 to 23 days. Your reproducing tank should mirror this climate. The use of separate tanks for fry is quite effective but it is relatively more expensive and requires extra maintenance. Pregnant Platy! They give birth every 4-4.5 weeks. i'm not sure when to separate them. But during pregnancy, it is better to keep the platy separate from male fish of any breed as they can be aggressive and create tension inside the tank. The mental state of your female platy fish goes a long way in the birth of healthy fry. Platys often give birth late at night or when you are not around, so it's best to separate her when she is heavily pregnant. . Platies are very tolerant of both a wide range of temperatures and water chemistry. Joined Jan 5, 2019 Messages 3 Reaction score 0. Xiphophorus comes from the Greek word 'xiphos', which means sword, and 'pherein', which means carry.. Platy fish is a common name that refers to three species: Southern platy (Xiphophorus maculatus)variable platy (Xiphophorus variatus) Help/Advice. Close. When pregnant, there is a slight discoloration that slowly darkens as the guppy progresses through pregnancy. If you don't like babies, just remove everything to hide, the others will hunt'em and eat the babies. I have a ten gallon tank. Platy fish that are pregnant often become bloated with a noticeably distended abdomen. Platy fish really enjoy algae . The only way this is possible is to scoop out the pregnant female. They prefer temperatures in the 70-80℉ range, with 75-78℉ being perfect for them. Our molly is not pregnant. Water Parameters for Platy Fish Care. For many species, it's important to keep fertilized eggs and newly hatched fish, or fry, separate from the adults. How much time will a fish be expecting? Separate the mother from the community tank and wait. So, wait until your platy looks like she is going to explode and then put her in the breeding net. Especially if they are close to giving birth. A platy is a livebearer, meaning that he or she gives birth to a young child.

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