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nieuwe rossi heremansBlog

nieuwe rossi heremans

"Nieuwe Rossi": 1 Noyon 838b. Father of the pigeon for sale is. Inbred "OLYMPIADE 003" x "NIEUWE ROSSI". In the second series Leo talks about Nieuwe Olympiade, Power, Roeper Pair, Safier, Favourite Pair (Favoriet Paar), Nieuwe Rossi and Eenoogske. 22nd against 4302p. Quievrain 2.790p B04-6073655 M Rossi Heremans-Ceusters Blue Bar Rossi won: 1.Quievrain 2.508p Superbreeder and the (Grand)father of: 1. 779 Tauben, 7. met het koppel "Nieuwe Rossi" en "Eénoogske" in bis. The Dirk Van Den Bulck Collection. Bold and proud. Heremans 6148404-06 Blue Sist. 779 Tauben, 7. German Olympiade Pigeon Cat D Allround Nitra 2013 2. Olympiade Pigeon Poznan Cat F B11-6091746 V Kadootje Leo Heremans Chequer . orig. Nieuwe Rossi Golden Lady Heremans Leo Heremans Chequer Dired Daughter to CHAMPION 21 806-6148039 EENOOGSKE Leo Heremans GB14X34649 Busscheatt The last yougster from our No 1 stock pair 649 winner of 3 x 1st club, 2 x 1st fed, 2 x 1st combine Busscneatt Blue Pied Sire of many 1st prize winners inc Peck/ 1st Club 1st Fed 2nd Combine Wincanton 155 "Pencil Bolt", 1-1009, 3-721, 5-877, 7-1921, 7-1861, 8-2126, 8-1254, 8-1077, 9-1715, 12-3267, 13-4848 etc. Olympiade Pigeon Poznan Cat F 2011. However, due to his busy work, he did not have time to participate in the . Her sire is BE10-6146101 the fantastic 'Nieuwe Olympiade'. Ecser 3 .098p 2 . BE 12-6321400 Golden Rossi Leo Heremans Zoon van "BE 06-179" Nieuwe Rossi 2 x 1ste x "BE 06-039" Eénoogske Gr.M. Dochter Nieuwe Rossi x Eenoogske (Leo Heremans),. Die B-6364 ist eine Tochter aus "NIEUWE ROSSI" x "EENOOGSKE". Young Ave Regina 2003 1.Nat. It turned out to be two hens. Grandfather: B2010-6347244 "SON NIEUWE ROSSI" DIRECT LEO HEREMANS. Offspring have won. De uitzondering echtparen 'Nieuwe Rossi "x" Eenoogske "," Safier "x" dochter van Jan "," power "x" zuster Natalia, "" Beautiful "x" dochter Olympics "en vele andere paren die dragen allemaal de beste Heremans-bloed AS-duiven te leveren in hun eigen serie over de impact, echter, en het onderscheidt de kwaliteit van de fokdieren, ook op vele . A colossal breeder of winners, Excelsior Pigeon are delighted to present a wonderful draft of pigeons based around this famous . G in Budapest. In 2010 stond Leo op de hoogste podiumplaats in Oostende… in 2012 doet hij dat dunnetjes over… 2 keer op 3 jaar nationaal kampioen. Sister Nieuwe Rossi Heremans-Ceusters BELG 07 6404507 Olympus Heremans-Ceusters BELG 07 6399392 Jooza Heremans-Ceusters SA 13 14769 Cloud Nine G Hamilton SA 12 27426 Prada G Hamilton AUST 09 2610 Federer G Hamilton SA 08 36337 Electric Blue G Hamilton SA 16 00789 SA 16 20176 SA 16 00722 SA 15 08262 CAN 16 200 Inbred Olympus Ron bred a pair of youngsters in 2018 for his friends Booth and Bowers from Lancashire (England). A long list of champion pigeons. 7. ACE Young '07 1.Nat. Blue 21P33647 Superb Heremans Ceusters. A superb racing team of Leo Heremans pigeons! BE08-6139996 - "GOEDE RODE" grandson NIEUWE ROSSI x EENOOGSKE of Leo Heremans even 2x 1st prize, offspring fly by 2015 21 x .Price, and are 1, 1, 1, 2, 4,. . Er ist ein Vollbruder des "ERNESTO" , "FLORIS" & "FINA". 2. Quievrain 2.460p 2. Dirk van den Bulck B-07-6218042 V Marc Van den Bulck-Bouwel. Their father was NL15-1363242 NL15-1363242 " Bryant ", a Heremans-Ceusters (grandson Nieuwe Olympiade "Nieuwe Olympiade" x Karen "Karen") and bred by Hans and Evert-Jan Eijerkamp. NPO Melun 1.3950 NL 18-1629333 Inbred Rossi Hen Heremans-ceusters chequer white Flight Inbred "Rossi" from son x . Dit is een koppel, Nieuwe Rossi en Eenoogske. Very special hen, direct dtr Blue Jan cock x his mother No 1 Jannette. Noyon - 838 b. Dauhter of Nieuwe Rossi and Blue check Strain: Leo Heremans A (cock) t n onfire m H&E.J Eijerkamp Smoky Blue adoo je super breedi g hen Dgt. BE 13-6075085 Lizeth Leo Heremans Volle zus "Nieuwe Olympiade" Olympiadeduif Poznan 2011 Nat. Leo had one pigeon which was his favourite, De Entje. NIEUWE ROSSI Mth. ACE L.D. Noyon - 509 b. ACE Young 2003 De Reisduif 1.Quievrain 2.687p 1.Quievrain 2.516p Offsprings won: 1.Nat. Direct children of MAX are £1000 each from syndicate lofts. Leo was left with the 'Nieuwe Rossi', the 'Eenoogske' and the 'Goede . ACE Young 2003 De Reisduif 1.Quievrain 2.687p 1.Quievrain 2.516p Offsprings won: 1.Nat. Karel Ceusters was daar ook bij. "ROSSI" is father of 578/05 & 579/05 from W. de Bruyn. 1. Het was de bedoeling van Leo om hieruit jongen te kweken voor zijn vrienden. ACE Young '07 1.Nat. : "Thirty Rosito" (vader koop 139), 3e Asduif Pajot-Dender 2021 met 7x top 10. Moulins 3044 p. 2012 Heremans 6073650-04 OBELIX 12 Nat. HEREMANS-CEUSTERS HEREMANS-CEUSTERS Brother "Nieuwe Olympiade" Bred by Leo Heremans "Nieuwe Olympiade" was 2nd Olympiad Pigeon and he won 1st vs 2,460 2nd vs 2,790 3rd vs 2,073 Son of "Rossi" super breeder and "Queen Rossi" grandson of "Olympiade" 2nd vs 1,457 3rd vs 6,904 4th vs 648 6th vs 4,116 5th vs 973 8th vs 9,285 pigeon 6th vs 2,121 7th . . Leo Heremans Sister "Nieuwe Rossi" Granddaughter "De Olympiade". Son JAN-ROEPER from son DE JAN with daughter ROSSI (sister Nieuwe Rossi) X sister TOM Leo Heremans ! Soissons 5.392 p gehämmert Leo Heremans "Perla Rossi" B-12-6321411 W 1. g/ sire : belg11/6333559 " brave " bred by leo heremans direct from his new dream couple, the nieuwe rossi x eenoogske one of his very top pairs. In 1978, Heremans raced for the first time with 15 young pigeons. He is fullbrother of "ERNESTO" , "FLORIS" & "FINA". First bird for 2nd club 350 birds (8th Fed 1298 birds, 23rd Combine 4818 birds), was NL14-1168708 bred from 'Max' a son of 'Nieuwe Rossi' and 'Eenoog' (New Dream Couple) of Leo Heremans when paired to 'Stella' a daughter of 'Drum' x 'Gerrie'. Ist Großvater zu Sagan B . Dirk van den Bulck B-07-6387871 W Super Zuchtvogel. Ze zijn ook vader en moeder van Queen Rossi van Kas Meijers. BE06-179 'Nieuwe Rossi' x BE06-039 'Eenoogske' Granddaughter of BE07-043 'Kleine Rossi', full brother of 'Rossi' and father to : 7. orig. G. Sire; Belg06-6148179. Original Leo Heremans, Vorselaar . Mother : NL19-1132033 'Granddtr Nieuwe Rossi/Eenoogske' Original Prestige Project Breeding Loft. Leo Hereman. Unique granddaughter of the Golden Leo Heremans pair. 5x 1st. Noyon gg. Descendant of Olympiade 003 and Jan. Heremans/Ceusters "Den Euro" B-03-6192564 V Daughter of Nieuwe Rossi and Eenoogske-the new Dream Pair Granddaughter of Rossi,who is the (grand)father of: 1. This yearling also scored twice last year as a youngster. Ace Pigeon Natoer SS Gouwe Ijssel 2006 . "Ernesto" (Eijerkamp) 1 Chantilly 1,703b. kras B 17-5081627 V dochter Euro H van der Ree gree Pigeon: 08-6050212 M Nieuwe Rossi Heremans Kras B 19-5031779 M B 06-6148179 M B 04-6073655 M Rossi Leo Heremans B 03-6192922 V Spinneke Leo Heremans B 03-6032896 M De Lichte Leo Heremans B 03-6192606 V . Nieuwe Rossi x Eenoogske. 16/07/2020 - Super descendant Nieuwe Olympiade. The town of Vorsselaar sits in the center of the most highly competitive region of Belgium for sprint and middle distance racing. 7. You'll see a lot of the parents of these pigeons came from the Ponderosa Stud - an elite source of Heremans-Ceusters. Read more. Heremans Leo Blue cock 12th Nat Ace Vitesse KBDB 2011 BE 07-6369510 V Sister Nieuwe Rossi Heremans Leo Full sister Nieuwe Rossi, Ernesto, BE 04-4151538 M Generaal Br line Imbrechts G Mealy cock Full brother 'Rivendel' BE 07-4029117 V Laura Blue hen Only raced as youngster BE 14-4234879 M Bluewhiteflight cock Winner of 31 price cards in the best . Golden Heremans Collection / De Ruijter Duiven. Yannick en Bruno kruisten diverse topduiven van Leo Heremans tegen hun "Kittels", haast een garantie op succes! Starting in the 1980s and on to his record sales in. "rossi hen 159" direct daughter to super rossi super 100% leo heremans breeder father to 3 first prizewinners and grandson to "nieuwe rossi" x "eenoogske" x super leo 067 super 100% leo heremans breeding hen mother to 6 first prizewinners and inbred to the foundation pigeon number 1 of the old strain of leo heremans, olympiade 003 Heremans-Ceuster. Die Ausnahmepaare „Nieuwe Rossi " x " Eenoogske „, „Safier" x „Tochter Jan" , „Power" x „Schwester Natalia", „Beautiful" x „Tochter Olympiade" und viele weitere Paare, die allesamt das beste Heremans-Blut tragen, lieferten AS-Tauben in Serie auf dem eigenen Schlag ,aber, und das zeichnete die Qualität des . Noyon gg. Noyon - 779 b. "NIEUWE ROSSI" ist ein Sohn des "ROSSI" und flog den 1. Sire of 871-07 top breeder fort Van Den Bulck. '06 6440232-00 KAMPIOENTJE Mth. Heremans Leo Blue cock 12th Nat Ace Vitesse KBDB 2011 BE 07-6369510 V Sister Nieuwe Rossi Heremans Leo Full sister Nieuwe Rossi, Ernesto, BE 04-4151538 M Generaal Br line Imbrechts G Mealy cock Full brother 'Rivendel' BE 07-4029117 V Laura Blue hen Only raced as youngster Van Laere Stijn en José Ouwegemsestweg 239 9770 Kruishoutem Moeder NL 15-1895336 Geschelpt 100% Leo Heremans Zus van "NL 15-1895321" Vader Freddy met 8x 1ste Gr.V. Leo Heremans is such a white blackbird, even though his hair is now as grey as a pigeon. 3 nat. ACE Young Czech Republic 2017 4 . He is a super breedingcock!! Zo ook Karel Ceusters en niet veel later was de tandem Heremans-Ceusters geboren. Salbris NPO - 7 . Nothing is out of their reach. Dirk van den Bulck B-07-6387871 W Nicht gespielt. May Pigeons - Spiderman sale - 11th Day Of Xmas - Starting 05/01/22 22:00pm - Ending 11/01/22 20:00pm. 100% Leo Heremans, Vorselaar. Golden Heremans Collection / De Ruijter Duiven. Leo Heremans presents us a few of the greatest racing pigeons in his lofts in Vorselaar in 13 short movies. 1. DIRECT SON NIEUWE ROSSI X EENOOGSKE In 2014 Kees van de Beek got some Heremans-Ceusters youngsters in Brummen and from the NL14-1603967 NL14-1603967, granddaughter Rossi "Rossi" coupled with his "Topper 744" Kees bred his top hen NL15-1388040 "The 040 hen", which in 2017 won ao. Romania in 2017 1.Prov. Chantilly 8,175b. Dauhter of Nieuwe Rossi and S Pigeon Vitality Breeding Centre, 068-21-2156 A Bl (cock) u ch ck trai n: Le o Herema s 68-21-2156 1.Nat. In addition. Sire B15.6292324 Blue Jan No 1 son Jannette, he is responsible for winners in NEHU, Scotland and UK.He was a special purchase from Louis Thijs when he owned Jannette, his sire was De 158 bred by Leo Heremans direct son the Dream Pair Nieuwe Rossi x Eenoogski. BOURGES BEST 1 Nat.Bourges 14598 p. 2012 1 I.Prov. NL19-1132033 'Grddtr Nieuwe Rossi/Eenoogske' - K 8. The best performances of the "040 hen" are ACE WEN Cup Cat A Dortmund 2004 1.Nat.ACE S.D. . nieuwe rossi is a son of the famous rossi and spieneke and eenoogske is a sister to donkere aske 2nd asduif yearling hafo turnhout 2005, 3rd provincial asduif kbdb midfond 2005. Sobrino de Nieuwe Rossi y Ernesto . Noyon - 509 b . Only 3 years old but already a proven breeder, father is a direct son of DE POWER, brother JACKPOT. ROSSI is o.a. Max is from Nieuwe Rossi x Eenoogske the new dream pair of Leo Heremans. Granddaughter of Leo Heremans Dream Couple "Nieuwe Rossi" x "Eenoogske" also "Olympiad 003" in the pedigree, 100% Leo Heremans Lot 12 Photo / Pedigree Lot #13: "Gwen" BE19-6059326 Blue Hen It turned out to be two hens. "ROSSI" ist Vater von 578/05 & 579/05 von W. de Bruyn. Who doesn't know his famous 'Olympiade 003', 'De Jan', 'Nieuwe Olympiade', 'Olympic Sperwer', 'Euro', 'Rossi', 'Eenoogkse' and the more recent star '030'? SON NIEUWE ROSSI From all the super lines of Leo Heremans!! This spectacular cock was one of the eye-catchers of this auction. son 'Nieuwe Rossi x Eenoogske' Together, father Jan and his son Martin form the Combination Kroesen. Superracer, winner of : 2. Geëindigd: 08-01-2022 15:00. 22nd against 2859p. At P&D they have one of the finest and largest breeding and racing collections of this sensational sprint family in the UK. ACE Romania Youngbir ds in 2015 1. 4 in 2014 Moonfire Leo Heremans from H& E.J ijerkamp Inbred Kadootje (super breeding en, dtr N iuw Olymp a ) G rand)m . Leo Heremans - "MY DREAM" B-6364 is a daughter of "NIEUWE ROSSI" x "EENOOGSKE". ACE Young '11 2.German Olympiade Pigeon Cat G Grandmother of "Blue Claudine" is 12-6321411V "Perla Rossi" Leo Heremans Light Chequer Daughter of Nieuwe . 2. If there is one person who has sound instincts for pigeons, it is Leo Heremans from. With this one he won 14 prizes and was the offspring of two Huysmans pigeons. Nieuwe Rossi Leo Heremans B-06-6148039 W Eenoogske Leo Heremans B-04-6073608 V "Halfbr.Wo.Aske" Leo Heremans B-05-6282142 W "Kld.Kl.Blauwe" M.Haesendockx B-06-6148179 V Nieuwe Rossi Leo Heremans B-06-6148039 W Eenoogske Leo Heremans B-07-6337270 V "Blauwe Gert" Gert Heylen B-07-6336568 W "Van Loock" Dirk van den Bulck B-08-6139992 V "Broer Go . 3 Quievrain 2,073b. Noyon gg. Peronne - 2.985 b. orig. Nieuwe Rossi Leo Heremans B-06-6148039 W Eenoogske Leo Heremans B-04-6073608 V "Halfbr.Wo.Aske" Leo Heremans B-05-6282142 W "Kld.Kl.Blauwe" M.Haesendockx B-06-6148179 V Nieuwe Rossi Leo Heremans B-06-6148039 W Eenoogske Leo Heremans Stammbaum von Taube: B-14-6091892 V "Uncle Venus" Dirk van den Bulck A selection of their best Heremans pigeons, incl. 509 Tauben. 13rd against 8188p. Ze speelde samen van 1997 tot 2006 en dan volgde de totale verkoping.In maart 2007 werden de duiven verkocht met uitzondering van het koppel "Nieuwe Rossi" en "Eénoogske" in bis. telkens uit . And so on, and so on!! 509 Tauben. Ace Club. Duiven 9.041 p 1. Original Prestige Project Breeding Loft. Wegens zijn drukke werkzaamheden had hij echter geen tijd om . Cock of the New Dream Pair. Sister Nieuwe Rossi Heremans-Ceusters BELG 01 6455003 Olympiade G Jansen BELG 07 6050225 G Jansen AUST 09 20567 Matteo G Hamilton AUST 06 3957 Pet Hen G Hamilton GB 10X 35177 Derek C & G Koopman GB 10X 34322 Magic Blue C & G Koopman NL 09 1836053 Super Hero Heremans-Ceusters SA 08 27208 Pandora G Hamilton AUST 09 20563 Planet Che G Hamilton GB . Nat. 1st. "De Gigant", Dirk Van Dyck AU-14-CBS-2584 Page: 2 12-NL-1130179 Full brother of "Kannibaal" Full brother of "Den Bourges" This cock was 3rd Ace pigeon of the Antwerp Union. Fantastic hen, super inbred from son to daughter ROSSI, one of the best breeders Leo Heremans ever had. Dochter Nieuwe Rossi x Eenoogske (Leo Heremans),. Olympic Ace Nitra . Perla Rossi Leo Heremans Light Chequer Daughter of Nieuwe Rossi and Eenoogske-the new Dream Pair Perla Rossi is super breeding hen,(grand)mother to 1.Quievrain 6.209p 1.Gennep 3.422p 1.Ace Great Algarve OLR 2017 6.Ace Golden Algarve OLR 2019 Granddaughter of Rossi,who is the (grand)father of: B03-6192777 Jackpot Heremans-Ceusters Chequer 1 st Ace Pigeon Speed was in Area 4 Region East of Section 8. The father of the "Nieuwe Euro" was bred out of a brother x daughter of the world famous Euro "Euro". Finished: 08-01-2022 15:00. Leo Heremans ziet tegenwoordig zo grijs als een duif maar hij is zo'n witte merel. 'Nieuwe Olympiade' was sold for a record-breaking amount in the total auction of Leo Heremans on PIPA in 2013. "NIEUWE ROSSI" is a son of "ROSSI" and has won 1st Noyon vs. 779 pigeons, 7th Noyon vs. 509 pigeons. Dauhter of Nieuwe Rossi and Blue check Strain: Leo Heremans A (cock) t n onfire m H&E.J Eijerkamp Smoky Blue adoo je super breedi g hen Dgt. Rossi junior He -Ceusters Blue Bar Son Of Rossi and Spinneke and full brother Nieuwe Rossi Fina,Ernesto, Floris Rossi Junior is the (Grand) father of: 1. Sister to many top winners & breeders. father of NIEUWE ROSSI, he was paired up to EENOOGSKE and that was the worldfamous couple the NEW DREAMPAIR BLAUWE OLYMPIADE Daughter best breeding brother OLYMPIADE 003 Remember Rossi 1 is g.dtr to four Aces, De Jan x De 529 dtr Olympiade x Nieuwe Rossi x Eenoogski the dream pair, Leo Heremans No 1 pair. Ist Vater zu B-12-6254107 & Dirk van den Bulck Blauwe Stefaan B-10-6291397 V Die 1300 Mutter der Nitra Duivin sie ist eine Dirk van den Bulck 300 Duivin B-10-6271300 W Wa goede jonge duif maar bleef van de eerste Melun achter als jaarling . Son of the dreampair BE04-655 'Rossi x BE03-822 'Spinneke' Full brother BE06-6148179 'Nieuwe Rossi' Winner of : 1. Vorselaar. Maart 2007 werden de duiven verkocht. Regarded by many fanciers as 'breeding diamonds' they hold over 65 of these birds direct from Dirk Van Den Bulck. Dam of the young bird is a DIRECT Dtr of BRAVE (Nieuwe Rossi x Eenoogske) when paired to . Being the first racing and breeding stud to obtain the original . Grandfather : BE12-6324799 'Son Nieuwe Rossi - Eenoogske' Original Leo Heremans, Vorselaar. Leo Heremans - "MY DREAM". nieuwe rossi is a son of the famous rossi and spieneke and eenoogske is a sister to donkere aske 2nd asduif yearling hafo turnhout 2005, 3rd provincial asduif kbdb midfond 2005. Also in the auction is 'Leo Mealy Kittel 643', one of the basic breeders at the loft. You can tell from the pedigree of 'Nieuwe Olympiade' that he is related to the Gerard Koopman . Bouwel. Nieuwe Rossi Leo Heremans d. kras 19-5031779 M .00% Leo Heremans t van der Ree . In 1978, Heremans raced for the first time with 15 young pigeons. Er ist ein Vollbruder des "ERNESTO" , "FLORIS" & "FINA". Hier nog iets van het beste Heremans-soort, en via vader halfbroer van o.a. Vanaf 2011 heeft Beb de Ruijter, eigenaar van de Golden Heremans Collection, regelmatig de hokken In Vorsselaar Belgie bezocht om het beste van het beste van de Leo Heremans duiven mee naar huis te nemen. Heremans Dream Couple "Nieuwe Rossi" x "Eenoogske" also "Olympiad 003" in the pedigree, 100% Leo Heremans Lot #13: "Gwen" BE19-6059326 Blue Hen Granddaughter of wonder breeder "'T Goedje" of Rudi De Saer and "New Jens" 1st National Limoges winner, sister of 4th Ace Pigeon MD '20 100% Rudi De Saer Original Serge van Elsacker . Nieuwe Rossi. of Grand)mother of: H&E. J Eijerkamp Inbred ieuwe Olympiade Pigeon Vitality Breeding Centre, 3941 Porsgrunn, Norway ine bred on Nieuwe Olympiade 2. Rossie 1 dtr No 1 Jannette. en het was de bedoeling van Leo om hieruit jongen te kweken voor de vrienden. Leo Heremans - "MY DREAM". BE10-6146101 'Nieuwe Olympiade' is one of the many Olympiad pigeons at Leo Heremans! When we visited Belgium the summer of 2013 our main goal was to obtain the Jos Joosen pigeons and the Leo Heremans . Quievrain 2.460p His friends Booth and Bowers raced each week with the two hens from 70 to 260 miles, against about 300 to 600 pigeons. This is a direct son to 'Nieuwe Rossi' x 'Eenoogske', he bred many 1 prize winners world-wide. Nieuwe Rossi fue: 1º Noyon 838 p. 1º Noyon 779 p. BE-98-6160968 . Read more. ACE Young '11 2.German Olympiade Pigeon Cat G Grandmother of "Blue Claudine" is 12-6321411V "Perla Rossi" Leo Heremans Light Chequer Daughter of Nieuwe . Young Ave Regina 2003 1.Nat. With this one he won 14 prizes and was the offspring of two Huysmans pigeons. Zij hebben hem op de verkoop bij mij in 2006 gekocht. Nat. Granddaughter "Nieuwe Olympiade" B10-6146101 - original Leo heremans - now owned by Eijerkamp Hans & Jan. Won Olympiad bird Poznan 2011 1 Quievrain 2,460b. Sister Nieuwe Rossi Heremans-Ceusters BELG 07 6404507 Olympus Heremans-Ceusters BELG 07 6399392 Jooza Heremans-Ceusters SA 13 14769 Cloud Nine G Hamilton SA 12 27426 Prada G Hamilton AUST 09 2610 Federer G Hamilton SA 08 36337 Electric Blue G Hamilton SA 16 00789 SA 16 20176 SA 16 00722 SA 15 08262 CAN 16 200 Inbred Olympus ACE Cock Germany . Dtr of the New Dream Pair of Leo Hereman. Great-grandfather : BE06-6148179 'Nieuwe Rossi' Winner of : 1. 'Nieuwe Olympiade' is winner of: Olympiad Pigeon Poznan 2011 1. against 2.460 birds 2. against 2.790 birds 3. against 2.073 birds 25. against 1.152 birds 34. against 2.054 birds 73. against 2.771 birds Ace KBDB (if submitted) 3/2675 5/3328 6/4366 V:BE 01/6455003-"OLYMPIADE" Leo Heremans 2° Nat. His National winners and Olympic champions are known all over the world. Olympiade Pigeon Poznan Cat F 2011. In 2019 they were one of the champions in CC Zuid-Oost, part of Afdeling 10. Over the last 10 years we have sourced the best performing lofts throughout Europe and visited their lofts in an attempt to build a super family of pigeons. "ROSSI" ist Vater von 578/05 & 579/05 von W. de Bruyn. Anabelle is direct from the Safier x Dochter Jan (the Safier Couple). 6 National AS-pigeon, father of "Kittel", "Greipel", "NEW KITTEL" u.s.w. ACE WEN Cup Cat A Dortmund 2004 1.Nat.ACE S.D. Noyon - 838 b. "NIEUWE ROSSI" ist ein Sohn des "ROSSI" und flog den 1. He is father to the following prizes: 4th against 2436p. 2 Quievrain 2,790b. 1st Noyon 779b. Leo Heremans from Vorselaar is a legend in international pigeon racing. Quievrain 2.460p ACE Natoer Regio. of Grand)mother of: H&E. J Eijerkamp Inbred ieuwe Olympiade Pigeon Vitality Breeding Centre, 3941 Porsgrunn, Norway ine bred on Nieuwe Olympiade 2. Leo had one pigeon which was his favourite, De Entje.

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